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Pull Your Head Out of the God Fog -- Jesus was a Social Revolutionary/Reformer
by baz Wednesday, Dec 19 2018, 9:38pm
international / prose / post

Xmas approaches and yet the ‘God’ myth prevails among the Christian faithful to this day -- in other words irrational ‘magic’ has superseded temporal/historical realities; however, with only a slight perspective, gained from withdrawing belief in myths, an entirely new REAL view is EASILY apprehended.

Consider that Jesus was from a revolutionary family, the radical John the Baptist was his cousin, though his family connections are given scant regard in the Gospels, nevertheless, like all revolutionary movements, they don’t fall out of the sky, we are easily able to trace/analyse its structure from extant material, primarily the Gospels but also Essene manuscripts.

Jesus’ radical revolution was supported by extremely wealthy patrons some of whom became his disciples and followers, but to what end, answered later?

Peter’s family was immensely wealthy owning a large fishing boat in Galilee, which today would be equivalent to a large corporation in wealth, John was also loaded, and took responsibility for Jesus' immediate family after his death, all the above is easily verified from the Gospels and standard historical deduction/facts.

Nicodemus was an outright spy plain to see, I call him the ‘midnight rambler,’ a member of the Sanhedrin -- the ENEMY -- but spying for the Jesus movement as clearly indicated in the Gospels.

Now consider the intrigues of the Christian narratives -- why the need for a host of clandestine spies and underground operators, after all Jesus is supposed to be GOD, and Gods have no need of social intrigues they are all reputed to be omnipotent? The man with the “water pitcher" for instance that directed Jesus and his inner circle to a safe location for a final meal in the capital city of Jerusalem, in which parochial Galileans required much assistance prior to their final physical (whips) and ideological assault on the temple and its thoroughly corrupt priest class, and that notwithstanding the man already situated (indicating pre-planned) with an ass for Jesus to ride which served to give Jesus a connection with OT prophecies; why these very worldly intrigues and PR arrangements, to sell obviously?

The narrative, without resorting to flights of imagination, clearly indicates a social revolutionary movement with the aim of overthrowing the existing corrupt Jewish priest class in the Jewish centre of power, the Temple, pure and simple.

Now consider proof, a group of sayings grouped here from various Christian texts for convenience:

Jesus says: "I have cast a fire onto the world, and see, I watch over it until it blazes" -- GOT.

Matthew (10:34) records a saying, “I came not to cast peace, but a sword.”

(35) "For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”

What’s all this then, if the Christian protagonist is NOT a social revolutionary and reformer?? And why the need of James Bond intrigues if he is an omnipotent God -- give a rational mind a break, you God-fogged lamers!

So we have huge financial support of the movement, as detailed in the Gospels and various very temporal spy intrigues and PR stunts included.

Indeed, not a lot has changed over the millennia, the exact same tactics are used today to sell illegal wars and convince the masses that suffering social deprivations while elite rulers ride high on the hog, is acceptable -- well here’s the truth according to Jesus, inequity, inequality and wealth disparity are NOT acceptable.

Indeed REAL Christians that emulate Jesus MUST engage in the exact same social revolutionary acts that Jesus pursued himself, after all HE said that his life was an example for all his followers to EMULATE -- have we got that, you gutless, hypocritical modern Christians?

If you read the NT as a narrative without indulging in the ‘God Fog,’ as I like to call the delusional approach, you too would see what is in your stupid, insipid faces. Furthermore, I have only listed some of the revolutionary and temporally organised aspects of the Jesus movement. So take it ALL into account when, reading the meek and mild, wealth-averse material, because quite simply it is clearly opposed with opposite examples in the SAME texts.

Regardless of your conclusions one thing becomes extremely clear, that is, that Jesus was a MAN, and if ANY Christian delusionist says otherwise, I would challenge them to perform ‘miracles’, flying, raising the dead etc, GREATER than his as verified by Jesus himself. Of course if the texts are read rationally and soberly every 'miracle' becomes a SYMBOLIC act, not ‘magic’ for the feeble minded herd of blind believers that deserve to be enslaved. Furthermore, it would appear that Jesus was NOT attempting to create a new religion, clearly he was engaged in reforming Judaism and wresting power from the corrupt, elite priest class. Saul/Paul was the creator of what we call Christianity today and it should be noted that he radically departed from traditional Judaic tenets by embracing the 'unclean', un-circumcised gentiles, which caused a rift between him and James, Jesus' brother. Also, when Portuguese Catholic Vasco da Gama discovered 'Christians' in Goa, India, much to his horror, as they pre-dated Roman Catholicism, which group was founded by Thomas the Apostle, and were living according to Jewish law -- food and hygiene practices -- he burned their texts as they opposed Rome and Paul's western 'Christianity'. So, how far have counterfeit western Christians strayed from the original Jesus REFORMATION movement today? Surely Thomas the Apostle and brother James supercede Paul, a self-declared apostle with no direct historical connection or authority. Notwithstanding Paul was convinced that Jesus would physically return in his lifetime, which proves beyond doubt his actual disconnection and lack of credible authority.
So, Merry fuckin’ Christmas, which day in fact falls on the pagan celebration of the winter solstice. For Christ’s sake, wake up, morons!

Now to conclude and answer the first question as promised, “to what end?”

Consider the horrid perverse ways of large societies and civilisations today and throughout history, wars, mass murder, corruption, theft and greed; now take it from Luke’s Gospel, nothing is clearer. The TEMPTATION is a message for ALL:

The adversary/'Satan' or OUR human negative side says to Jesus:

"And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time.

6 And the devil said unto him, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.

7 If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.”

Quite clearly the quote states that SATAN, the adversary, OWNS all the money and power the capital cities of the world offer. and says ‘I own it all!’ "For that is delivered unto me” and thus he is able to give it all to whomsoever he chooses, another verification that SATAN, the King of perversity is in fact worshiped by ALL money/material chasing people. And don’t give me your Lame excuses, ‘that’s the way things are, what can we do about it? Well, my answer is simple and adheres to Christian ideology; DO something about it, CHANGE the perverse corrupt status quo, as Jesus tried, though he failed, leaving the final task to his future followers.

So why did Jesus sacrifice his life in an attempt to overthrow the corruption of his day with his group, the question is rhetorical as the answer is obvious, WE ALL must prevail against evil, injustice etc, or become victims of it.

So, while all the hypocritical FAKE Christians of today, stuff themselves on food and flatter each other with material gifts on Xmas day, REMEMBER that MILLIONS of people are starving and suffering -- mass deaths and illegal wars rage simply because you/WE have FAILED to follow the example of Jesus Christ and overthrow the corrupt mass murdering monsters in power that profit from these despicable activities.

Now ask yourselves, what Jesus taught us about HYPOCRITES, which group HE vehemently despised? Implied extrapolated answer is, all fake Christians, 99.9% on this earth are damned to hell. Jesus himself feared death, as recorded, however, HE overcame his fears and weaknesses to Triumph as a MAN, you hypocritical, SELFISH, COWARDLY, FAKE CHRISTIAN, chicken shits.

See also:

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