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The Dis-empowered Against Elite Power
by stacey Tuesday, Dec 11 2018, 5:15pm
international / prose / post

You can forget the antiquated view of left and right, today the dichotomy is the minority elite haves, and the majority have nots, though this dichotomy could be rendered numerous ways, like the powerless and the powerful, mega-rich and poor, etc. Indeed, money is power therefore the elites are mega-wealthy while the overwhelming majority eat shit or the crumbs that fall from the tables of the mega-rich, ‘trickle down economics’. There are no ideological wars only the real elite driven wars of greed/appropriation/exploitation, against those affected/robbed, think Iraq and oil theft and the millions of innocent casualties. Avaricious elites could care less.

Society has returned to the days of the ‘let them eat cake’ insular French court, while the peasants/the majority, eat shit, today’s engineered wealth disparities clearly indicate as much. This reduction to the essential dichotomous components of ‘rich and poor’ brought an end to monarchic elite rule in France due to massive social disparities and the unrest it engendered, which is once again rearing its head as the ‘yellow vest’ phenomenon, historical parallels are striking.

Aware, intelligent and successful COOPERATING elites throughout history have ensured a reasonable living standard and reasonable opportunities for the masses, but as today’s elites climb higher and higher on the money/power scale, competing against each other, they necessarily arrive at social disconnection and insularity, then begin to push too far without regard to established social laws and conventions, as it is only they that are able to buy lawmakers/governments, re: the USA and western Europe. BUT as occurred previously in France, the ‘let them eat shit or cake’ insular mindset lands all elites at the same place, ‘fuck ‘em,’ the powerless/peasants that is; ‘we’ (elites) have earned the right to rule via our superior criminality and ‘we’ will exercise that rule/power whether anyone likes it or not, UNTIL such time that tables turn and elites are stopped, as history records elites never stop of their own accord or volition, their excesses are ALWAYS stopped by reactive external forces.

It is a classic irony that the powerless/majority are always able to squash social minorities underfoot at any time they choose, in fact the majority is potentially the most powerful social force. But as history teaches us, majorities are incapable of making decisions, they are ALWAYS LED by minorities. The trigger or breaking point for change is ‘one step too far’ or the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back in whatever form it may take. Social revolutions are triggered by unplanned spontaneous reaction to that ‘straw,’ leaders are not required as the majority is already an exploited reactionary herd easily panicked into destructive stampede. In fact elites world-wide could be eliminated at any time the herd is panicked or over-reacts to any circumstance and once that occurs and the intoxication of revolt subsides, as it always does, conservative/authoritarian elements once again violently create ‘order ' from chaos. It seems humanity is condemned to repeat this cycle time and again as clearly no-one ever learns, of course imagining 'they' are able to succeed where others have failed. Well the reality is, NO you can’t, whoever you may think you are!

Macron’s initial reaction to the current crisis was to employ oppressive police state tactics, the worst option in the circumstances, he then wisely sought to deceive and placate with inadequate tax reductions on fuel. We shall see whether aware elites and their political puppets have learned.

At any time an uncontrollable tsunami of revolt could occur in Europe as the "austerity" induced disparity between rich and poor is outrageous today. However, the existing status quo ensures the cycle repeats itself -- as the cause is unbridled, ever-increasing wealth disparity -- but on a scale never before seen, as globalism has ensured a GLOBAL RESPONSE.

Sleep well insular elites, you have created a powder keg upon which you sit. And as history has proven, the slightest spark would see you all eliminated in a orgy of social rage and violence, but then, you have only yourselves to blame.

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