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Recent French Protests vs Boston Lockdown -- A useful cultural comparison
by drake Sunday, Dec 9 2018, 9:29pm
international / prose / post

I recall the massive Paris protests of ‘68 and assisted French students in Oz forced to go on the run from authorities. My response was automatic, I assisted these social ‘rebels’ in every way I could, obtaining gainful employment and housing for them, which for me was a simple matter, it was the booming 60‘s after all, more jobs than workers in Australia.

After taking care of the necessities of survival in a foreign land my very grateful French comrades, began to explain in distilled fashion the movement in France which had parallels in many western nations including Oz, I had just participated in a 30K strong protest of the grubby Vietnam war in Sydney while in Melbourne a 100K strong marched to protest this needless, mass murdering American war. WE, the students and youth of the world, as history records, were effective in stopping the American mass murdering ruling elites pursuing their Asian wars for, as usual, PROFIT. However, it should be noted that this international movement was driven by the popular mass media of the time, the social message encompassed all media, popular song, news, radio and some film. It was intoxicating and history details the rest, as society once again plunged back into its inequitable ways to finally give birth to a new dangerous paradigm.

Elites realised that the social instability of the 60‘s was media driven, not difficult to determine, so they embarked on a campaign to appropriate the main media outlets. Numerous takeovers and purchases resulted in the elite owned concentrated media ownership of today, which media has become nothing more than a LYING propaganda apparatus for corporate elites as against fulfilling its traditional role of informing and serving the masses.

Now compare the results of a completely media captured nation, America, to a less media captured Europe and immediate contrasts become evident. The Boston lockdown was an extraordinary event, an entire capital city was locked down by police and para-military, not because of a major threat but to capture ONE wounded teenager allegedly responsible for the Boston marathon bombing. This direct police matter, a far more efficient solution due to experience in detection and arrest, precipitated a military response and the cowering citizenry complied with this ABSURD, in the circumstances, lockdown/OVERKILL. Personally I never would have thought it possible that ruling elites could be able to pull such a transparent stunt off successfully, yet they did -- I would add that the wounded fugitive was discovered and consequently arrested due to the efforts of a citizen, NOT the paramilitary that had unprecedented powers of search without direct cause or warrants, CLEARLY it was a test case scenario, would the American population wear such an affront to their freedom, rights liberties and Constitution? Today we know the tragic, for America, answer.

HOWEVER, this type of compliant slavery could never occur in Europe or any other part of the world unless total war had broken out to justify such extreme measures. And so we are left to confront how a diversified media compared to a privately owned concentrated media affects cultural behaviours.

The Boston experience emphatically declares the tragic slavery of the American population to media managed elite rule, while other nations are not able due to hundreds of years of strong cultural dispositions to succeed in such an affront to rights and freedoms.

Indeed, Macron has resorted to police state tactics in the hope that French protests are able to be contained, but we know the CAUSE, unfair imposition of taxes on workers via fuel while at the same time, lifting tax burdens for big business and the elites that own them, fair? Not on your life and so we witness the French uprisings at the present time.

Only in America is the insipid population devoid of spine and hence the clear enemies WITHIN, that every American is constitutionally obliged to fight reign free -- now recall the oaths taken by the military and even president to protect the nation from all threats and enemies within and without. But as we know the population has a media induced distinct blind spot regarding internal threats and enemies, which to the outside world are obvious and brazen, the result of course is America is LOST to the FREE WORLD and has become a soft (at the moment) fascist, elite (plutocrats and oligarchs) ruled dictatorship.

The world would soon learn whether this American cultural disease has infected France and to what extent. Macron in effect could actually be exacerbating the situation by deploying police state tactics if French history is any indication, but we shall see. The media, utilised for good or ill, remains the most powerful social management force in existence; clearly, media diversity is the key to a free culture.

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