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Truth Under Threat in Oz Academia
by junior - Global Research Saturday, Dec 8 2018, 10:57pm
international / prose / post

The ultra-conservative tertiary institution of Sydney University, which has traditionally specialised in producing leading lawyers, medicos and dentists, has suspended Prof. Tim Anderson, of the social sciences/humanities faculty for publishing and speaking truth on the many illegal wars pursued by the USA, wars supported of course by its CFR managed lying mass media, which apparatus is nothing more than a propaganda outlet today.

Prof. Tim Anderson
Prof. Tim Anderson

Tim Anderson, now an academic, was years past framed and jailed by Australian security agencies and ilk over the Hilton bombing, a botched attempt by Oz security agencies, ASIS and ASIO to ensure increased government funding at the time, notwithstanding threatening the lives of world leaders while doing so. The bomb placed in a litter bin outside the Hilton hotel detonated when routine garbage disposal workers unknowingly triggered the device, killing and wounding numerous innocents.

The ill-considered event sent agencies into a panic, a scapegoat had to be found and professor Anderson, who at the time was a member of the Ananda Marga sect, which proclaimed its antipathy toward the Indian government (leaders of which were staying at the Hilton for the CHOGRM summit) was a very suitable candidate. Anderson and another member of the sect were eventually tried and jailed in order to deflect from the real perpetrators, incompetent security agencies, a fact now known to the Oz public.

While serving his sentence, Anderson shared a cell, with disgraced former NSW Chief Stipendiary Magistrate, Murray Farquhar, a friend it so happened of my immediate family who was in the employ of the NSW Attorney General’s Department and worked intimately with the NSW special branch of the time, which, with the crucial assistance from my family member, was responsible for rounding up and arresting Croatian terrorists, which were bombing central Sydney locations. These real terrorist attacks were handled efficiently if not completely legally by the NSW special branch, and major players in this fanatic fascist organisation were arrested tried and shipped back to Yugoslavia into the hands of, intolerant of national fragmentation, Marshal Tito, for whom my family member also worked while in Yugoslavia in the late 40‘s and early 50‘s.

There is no doubt Farquhar was a scallywag, he always wanted to run with the elite lads, he once bragged in my presence that he and NSW Premier at the time, Neville Wran were like brothers, twisting his first and second fingers together to gesture the relationship. His bragging and loose mouth was sure to bring him undone I determined as a youth in my teens, as did eventually transpire. Farquhar was also fond of his known associations with one of Sydney’s leading criminals, George Freeman, who ‘owned’ the NSW horse racing industry, Freeman’s racing tips to Farquhar hardly ever failed. It was the power these men exercised that fascinated and attracted Farquhar to his eventual demise, who, I would add, with all his personality flaws and weaknesses was nevertheless an expert in local law and a very likeable fellow, he always took the trouble to read and edit my poetry when visiting.

It was Farquhar’s legal expertise and briefings to his then cell mate Tim Anderson that eventuated in Anderson’s release, numerous legal irregularities are to be expected when intel agencies and police conspire to frame innocent people. Anderson wisely chose not to pursue the agencies and was consequently left alone to pursue an academic career gaining his professorship while working in Australia’s leading academic institutions and publishing his papers and books.

Readers would note I am backgrounding this story from a personal experiential point of view, and Jung’s theory of synchronicity has not done with me yet.

After travelling half the world and running two successful private companies, I decided, in my late 20‘s, to pursue my primary interest as a poet and writer and so enrolled at the then New South Wales Institute of Technology (now UTS) humanities faculty which had acquired the reputation of being the most progressive and elitist humanities faculty in Australia, it only accepted the top three percent of school leavers at the time, Tanya Plibersek, a fellow Yugoslav, now deputy leader of the opposition obtained her undergraduate degree at NSWIT. What is the relevance you may well ask at this stage? The person largely responsible for the suspension of Tim Anderson with a view to permanent termination of his employment is provost Prof. Stephen Garton, who was one of my tutors at NSWIT.

Indeed, this flea of a man and career opportunist I know well, as he is the only staff member to successfully fail one of my essays though it deserved to be failed, as a mature age student I simply could not truck with this rabid, anal Marxist’s delusions about real life and wrote a taunt instead of an essay, though he made great fanfare about failing me to the class, as I was popular among many of the student body, not least because I argued intelligently with the delusional views of many of the insular social sciences faculty, which units I was forced to pass as they were compulsory and a thorough waste of my time.

So I was not shocked to read that Stephen Garton, a despicable WEAK flea of man, was responsible for suspending Prof. Anderson who unlike cocooned academic Garton, is a man of integrity with real world experience combined with an academic career. I am also perplexed by the fact that Garton pretended to be a loyal Marxist at NWSIT, though today he serves the arch-conservatives at Sydney Uni, so much for his personal integrity.

The person who obtained his (Garton’s) position as a tutor at NSWIT was Ann Curthoys latter dean of the faculty, whose mother Barbara was an high official in the SPA, Socialist Party of Australia, more communist than socialist I would add.

I had many broad and varied interests/contacts and knew from my contacts in the Seaman's Union of the rabid left leanings of the SPA, I had met the leader of the Seaman's Union, Elliot, referred to by local seamen members as “himself” and held in very high respect/regard indeed; it also so happened that my father was a member of the Canadian seaman's union smashed by the Canadian government due to its communistic views and Elliot afforded my father instant entry into the local union and a high paying job when we immigrated to Oz, my father after some consideration eventually declined the offer from ‘comrade’ Elliot, for reasons unknown to the family, perhaps sailing merchant vessels across the Atlantic in ‘42 had got to him, who knows, he died by his own hand when I was ten.

But back to Garton and Anderson and my odd direct and indirect relationship with both, though to be clear I have never met Tim Anderson though I was acutely aware of the Hilton bombing fiasco at the time.

Clearly, any attempt to censor or terminate the employ of any Australian academic on no real grounds is to be resisted by everyone as it is tertiary institutions that produce Australia’s best thinkers, I would add that I was exposed to all manner of ridiculous views and ideologies during my ‘elitist’ course, however, the effect was to give me a broader perspective and open mind to all manner of theories even though some of my lecturers and tutors were fanatical, anal Marxists. I would highlight here why I dislike Marxists, they are to a man and woman ALL conservatives, ultra-conservatives in fact, and so it is not really surprising why a prick like provost Prof. Stephen Garton, would side with Australia’s CONSERVATIVES to attack truth and freedom of speech in Australia. Stephen Garton has sucked his way through his career and has all the integrity of an alley cat on heat, make no mistake about this integrity devoid, detestable, weak character.

All free thinking Oz academics must of necessity ensure that Prof. Tim Anderson is not victimised because he dares to publish books and papers exposing the criminality, corruption and TRUTH about the known mass murdering, overtly criminal State of America.

Mass and Alternative media stories follow:

University of Sydney Professor Tim Anderson Suspended for “Criticism of War Propaganda against Syria, Iraq and Palestine”

by Tim Anderson and Jordan Baker

Global Research is in solidarity with Professor Tim Anderson who was suspended from his position as Senior Lecturer at the University of Sydney, Australia.

This decision by the University’s Provost was largely motivated by Professor Anderson’s research and public statements on Syria, Iraq and Palestine including Anderson’s carefully documented book titled, “The Dirty War on Syria.”

“Through careful analysis, professor Anderson reveals the “unspoken truth”: the “war on terrorism” is fake, the United States is a “State sponsor of terrorism” involved in a criminal undertaking.

Scroll down for reviews of Prof. Anderson’s book on Syria (published by Global Research). (click book cover right to order Tim Anderson’s international bestseller).

It should be understood that this is not an isolated event. Academic freedom is threatened world wide. Several prominent academics have been fired or intimidated under different circumstances.

Below is Tim Anderson’s text on his Facebook page followed by an article published by the Sydney Morning Herald.

Yesterday University of Sydney Provost Stephen Garton suspended me from my position as a senior lecturer and banned me from entering the university. I have worked as an academic at this University for more than 20 years and am appealing the decision to a Review Committee.

This move is the culmination of a series of failed attempts by management to restrict my public comments. I have always rejected such censorship. The latest complaint concerns my advisory analysis of the Israeli attacks on Gaza. Examine the graphic below and decide for yourself whether or how this infographic might be ‘offensive’.

These complaints, over the last 18 months, have been petty and absurd. In my view they represent an unusually aggressive regime of political censorship, in which no decent university should be involved.

Most of the management complaints have to do with my criticisms of war propaganda against Syria, Iraq and Palestine. I don’t accept such censorship.

Stephen Garton has ignored the ‘intellectual freedom’ rule of the university, which states that academic staff are entitled to ‘express unpopular or controversial views, provided that in doing so staff must not engage in harassment, vilification or intimidation’. I will point this out to the Review Committee.

I have told Provost Garton that I don’t abuse or engage in gratuitous criticism, but I do criticise dishonest propaganda harshly, when justified. I have rejected his attempts at political censorship as unprincipled.

Academics fight suspension of lecturer over swastika image

by Jordan Baker,

Sydney Morning Herald, December 7, 2018

Sydney University academics have criticised the suspension of an academic who showed students material featuring the Nazi swastika imposed over Israel’s flag, saying it was a body blow to academic freedom. (see above image, left hand corner)

By Friday afternoon 30 academics, including several emeritus professors, had signed the open letter arguing that academic freedom was “meaningless if it is suspended when its exercise is deemed offensive.”

The academic at the centre of the controversy, senior lecturer in political economy Tim Anderson, has also been criticised by federal ministers for visiting Syria and North Korea, where he expressed solidarity with their dictatorial regimes.

Earlier this week, Sydney University served Dr Anderson a termination notice, saying the swastika material amounted to serious misconduct that was “disrespectful and offensive, and contrary to the university’s behavioural expectations”.

Dr Anderson was given a week to show why he should not be sacked and has been barred from entering the university in the meantime. He is appealing the decision, describing the complaints as petty and absurd.

The academics, mostly from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, said employment should not be dependent on their work remaining within the bounds of “contested and intrinsically indefinable constraint”.

Some of the signatories of the letter are also vocal opponents of a proposal by the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation to fund a course in western tradition at the university. They argue that the proposal also compromises academic freedom.

“The suspension of Dr Tim Anderson pending the termination of his employment is an unacceptable act of censorship and a body-blow to academic freedom at the University of Sydney,” the academics wrote in the open letter.

“There can be no better-known or more banal occurrence in intellectual history than the suppression of ideas on the grounds of their offensiveness to powerful interests.”
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