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Climate Crisis: A Modern Travesty Breaching Sane Belief
by drake Wednesday, Nov 28 2018, 8:18pm
international / prose / post

Imagine if a 5 mile size meteor was hurtling towards the earth, the panic and mobilisation would be immediate as planetary life and tenability for the human species would be in dire threat.

That ‘meteor or comet’ is real and approaching fast, however, it is the result of man’s folly and avarice. Yet there is no global alarm over this metaphoric meteor ready to devastate the earth, yet the seriousness of the threat is KNOWN.

We must ask ourselves why a man made future tragedy/calamity of monumental proportions is largely ignored? Clearly the reason is lack of awareness, sure we know climate change is a problem, but we are short term thinkers and hedonists with our faces glued to our smartphones, that’s far more important than a slow but steady approaching global calamity, or is it? Well, clearly NO, climate change has all the power and more of this hyper-destructive metaphorical meteor yet we CHOOSE to remain passive in view of this global threat.

Indeed, the privately owned and managed information/propaganda systems are playing it down if not ignoring the threat altogether, as the plutocrats that now own the mass media are complicit in the crimes of mega-fossil fuel corporations that have already steered governments to invade and steal more fossil fuel resources from weaker nations, killing millions of innocents in the process and releasing a tide of refugees, which the world has never seen and that includes the aftermath of WWII.

So, is this a serious matter, we’re all betting our lives on this question?

It becomes apparent that if the mass media were less concentrated, diverse and truly independent and had a modicum of integrity then remedial measures to reduce the effects of pollution, would have already been set in place, as necessarily the people would have been informed of the dire threat. However, as we are all aware climate CRISIS remains a debatable topic not an URGENT reality that MUST be addressed, and someone is RESPONSIBLE for all these distractions and deflections away from the real dangers threatening all our lives and the planet.

Indeed they are, and clearly it is those entities that PROFIT from fossil fuels and the other elite forces that work hand-in-glove with profiteering, avaricious, mass murdering corporations supported of course by privately owned commercial mega-banks and the mass media. It appears that money is more important than the survival of billions of human beings -- that is the obvious reality if we consider all the illegal, based on PROVEN LIES, wars for oil profits the USA and its western allies have waged and continue to wage today.

So what have we learned from these mass murdering illegal wars for profit? Two major truths, that elite minority powers that instigate these wars via their puppet governments, consider human beings expendable in their psychopathic pursuit of profits. Any notion held by unaware people that these forces would never threaten humanity and the planet is clearly ill-considered as they have already PROVEN that they would and do, even as I write this piece. Take for instance the PRIORITY of weapons sales to Saudi Arabia which its murdering monarchy deploys on innocent Yemeni women and children, notwithstanding this war has created a famine which is killing evermore innocents. So we clearly have a CLASH of values, the sane MAJORITY of humans views genocide and the mass murder of our children as horrific while elites view same as “collateral damage” a most despicable American euphemism.

Well, now there is no denying it, the forces that control the media and induce apathy and powerlessness in the face of horrendous danger, and their exploitative, clearly criminal associates, fossil fuel companies, which are indeed responsible for runaway climate change and its suppression as the most dangerous threat facing humanity at the present time.

Now consider how these private interests have hijacked democratic nations around the globe, it is clear that both major political parties in ANY ‘democratic’ nation are already in the service of the above nefarious to the extreme, elite powers, as the real lack of remedial action against a future CRISIS, INDICATES.

The baby boomer generation now rules the world but consider their age, on average, 70! What does this comfortable generation care, it’s a future problem that won’t affect them as they would all be dead BUT how sick is this generation to leave THEIR young to deal with the problems THEY created? Indeed, a species that abuses its young this way is not fit to survive.

Now consider the young, which are DIRECTLY faced and threatened with life/death crises in the future on a scale that has never been seen. They are sitting with their thumbs up their arses glued to their smartphones -- and so if they could care less than why should anyone else? This is an elite designed logic, and that is why destructive climate change is not addressed as it should be. It’s all about ME, from boomers to all following generations, and as has been said and recorded, we reap what we sow, and what we do not sow in the sense of remedial ACTION to save our lives and planet.

I am not trying to write a ‘downer’ though this piece surely is, I am merely addressing and analysing reality, nevertheless, there is an obvious CURE so simple it is never considered let alone pursued, and THAT is remove the forces that threaten humanity, after all they are VERY FEW and we are billions in number, and install representative governments that serve the majority -- not mass murdering sick elites -- and place all known elite war and other criminals, regardless of their status, on trial for their obvious proven crimes, simple but it requires courage and organisation.

This achievable solution may not prevent all the effects of climate change, as the issue has been ignored far too long, BUT it would reduce the effects and eventually restore OUR planet to balance and harmony; indeed, as was written in a previous comment on this site, the matter is NOW a "kill or be killed" matter. So make your move or sit passively and allow a handful of avaricious, mass murdering sickos to destroy you. Surely it is preferable to destroy them first and restore the planet and safeguard our lives and our children’s FUTURE.

The ‘meteor’ is approaching faster than you think, and it really amounts to very little to die early or late but DIE you will IF YOU FAIL TO ACT to save yourselves -- that is the concluding truthful REALITY which we all must face or continue to deny to our GREAT COST. And never forget these extremely sick minority forces have already PROVEN they couldn’t give a damn about you and your survival.

So is it really a moral crime to kill known psychopathic CRIMINALS before they consciously kill billions more innocents? This remedial option is available to ALL without the need to organise groups. And I do not apologise for stating the obvious and attempting to save the human race and the planet -- fuck you, elites! Perhaps this video may help everyone assess what we are dealing with.

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