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The LIVING Deferring to the Dead
by steve Friday, Nov 23 2018, 11:38pm
international / prose / post

I was struck some years ago by a picture of a completely hidden, burka-attired, Muslim woman, holding high aloft a copy of the Koran. The message of the image was clear and simple, a living human being, holding up a dead book, written by dead men hundreds of years past and that religious fact applies to all the Abrahamic and other religions, ancient texts written by educated scribes with the sole purpose of promoting a theocratic, authoritarian agenda usually under the pain of death or at the very least banishment or social ostracism.

ALL books and texts are man made therefore their contents are designed by same, clearly for the purpose of harnessing the power of the masses and elevating an elite ruling priest class. You see, the ancients only had the known persuasive means of religion to manage large societies not the sophisticated marketing and advertising methods of the mass media today.

And so those intent on re-forming in the literal sense, any society relied on tried and tested means (religion) to do so. And please note that those that led in this social pursuit were either directly from the wealthy merchant class or supported by them, there are no exceptions to this rule, Jesus was backed by a wealthy group that sought to usurp the power of a decadent parasitic priest class, the same applied to his royal highness, Buddha, who never ceased railing against the parasitic Brahmin priests of his time, Mohammed the prophet of Islam came from a very wealthy and powerful family, which examples verify that elites vie for the position of ultimate rulers against their peers. We also note emperor Constantine of Byzantium play consciously at the power of religion to usurp the increasing social power of early Christian leaders -- notwithstanding these historical FACTS have nothing to do with any external GOD in the heavens.

Readers should note that everything cultural is traceable and we are easily able to do so in the west, as Egypt was the model, where human beings Pharaohs, were elevated to the rank of divine and semi-divine beings/Gods by their priests, the conquering Alexander and Roman emperors followed this example soon after. As for Buddha, regardless of the notion that he rejected Kingship, he became the ruling model for all Buddhists and has remained so today, for instance, the Tibetan Buddhist Dalai Lama was and remains the theocratic ruler of the Tibetan people. And so it is simplicity itself to refer to the very political aspects of religions espousing some abstract impossible philosophy and tenets that no human is able to successfully follow, ensuring of course that the priest class remains as leaders absolving these ‘sins’ of failure to follow the impossible dictates and tenets of religion, though we should note that behavioural tenets were not necessary in ancient Egypt as the masses voluntarily followed what they believed to be ‘Gods’ in the flesh.

Now, need I spell out what religion really is, a means whereby an elite minority exercises power over the overwhelming majority of duped human believers, as it becomes obvious that no external God/creator exists, only man made Gods inscribed in man made texts. Put it to the test using of course religious texts that promise believers they are protected by their respective man made God, I’m thinking the Nazi gas chambers and ovens here, though it is worth mentioning the account of a Jewish holocaust survivor, that recounted the story of a Rabbi who was invoking his God to save the Jewish people, as PROMISED. Well, after he saw his fellow Jews, God’s supposed ‘chosen people,’ being herded to the gas chambers he soberly exclaimed, “there is no God!” He then was forced to follow other Jewish victims to their deaths, now consider his previous wasted life.

Many other cogent examples of the failure of large religions exist but that is not the issue here, the issue is the power the dead have over the living.

Take for example the above-mentioned Muslim woman completely hidden under a burka, notwithstanding that the Abrahamic creator God made humans in his own image, so what is there to be ashamed of or cover? Is the lying God of Abraham ashamed of his body? Furthermore, it could be argued that it is a sin against that God NOT to display the body or image of God in all its nakedness openly, yet all the HYPOCRITICAL Abrahamic religions consider nakedness something distasteful if not a sin. What an easily exposed load of religious BUNK YET religion remains strong as ever today.

Now consider how the priest classes shamelessly exploit believers, financially, sexually and in every other way imaginable, promising that the hardship and injustice they experience would be rewarded in heaven. And THEREIN lies the danger of RELIGION. The Living deferring to the textual productions of dead men.

Would you sacrifice your life for a myth or the rantings of a clearly political theocratic agenda? No you say, yet you too scream for God when faced with insurmountable pain and hardship rather than accept life and death for what they are, natural occurrences in this plane of existence. We know that everything born is tested by circumstance and the elements and MUST die at some stage and nature makes no promises of an afterlife, emphasising it seems the primacy of LIFE, but shrewd evil men rob believers of the joy of freedom and life, enslaving with nothing more than words and empty, UNPROVEN promises.

The most treacherous aspect of religion is that living free human beings accept the imposed hardships, REPRESSIONS and torments imposed by parasitic, exploitative tyrants and avaricious men on the promise of heaven or paradise after death. So what becomes of a freely given LIFE? Indeed, it has been STOLEN by the most despicable group of humans imaginable, religious leaders and parasitic priests.

Religious scribes however, either driven by guilt or remorse over their contracted actions to rulers all state that the living should never defer to the dead, in as many words -- so what the fuck are you duped morons DOING forfeiting your JOY to lying priests/theocrats and dead men? Use the brain that nature gifted you with, it actually works if used properly, without preconceptions.

Have a nice free or tortured slave day, you are indeed master of your own LIFE and be assured, no man made myth is capable of judgement. In fact the creator of Gods, 10,000 since recorded history, is far more powerful than that which he creates. All known Gods have indeed been created by men as the only knowledge of those Gods is via man made texts that reflect the culture in which they were produced.

Freedom is your birthright, why would anyone forfeit freedom for an unproven belief or lie/myth? Or would you rather raise the dead and ask them, remember that Jesus said his followers would do much greater things than he. I haven’t noticed any Christians flying unaided lately. What an obvious croc of shit all religions are if put to the TEST!

In FACT, there is NO GOD but MAN, the creator of all known 'Gods'.

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