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Empire’s Currency: The LIE
by Mark Taliano via stacey - Global Research Saturday, Nov 17 2018, 8:11pm
international / prose / post

Empire’s currency is the Lie, which is why the Truth sounds bizarre to all but the well-informed. Largely unelected policymakers make the decisions in the West’s fake democracies, while fabricated narratives are amplified by politicians and the mass media.

The Murderous Murdochs
The Murderous Murdochs

The transnational ruling class of oligarchs propagate diseconomies, dystopia, permanent war and terrorism.

Whereas Canada, for example, supports ISIS, al Qaeda, neo-Nazis[1], and criminal wars of aggression, most Canadians have been programmed to think that Canada is progressive. The Lie transcends and obliterates simple truths. Some Canadians and Americans would be horrified if they were confronted with the Truth.

Consider, for example, ISIS. Whereas ISIS is thought to be the enemy, NATO policymakers have actually created what ISIS terrorists now call an “Islamic State” east of the Euphrates. This oil-rich “Islamic State”[2] has been on the NATO drawing boards for years. The blueprint takes the form of Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document 14-L-0552.[3]

Some of the more salient points, as reported by Brad Hoff, are as follows:

* Al-Qaeda drives the opposition in Syria
* The West identifies with the opposition
* The establishment of a “Salafist Principality” in Eastern Syria is “exactly” what the external powers supporting the opposition want (identified as “the West, Gulf Countries, and Turkey”) in order to weaken the Assad government

NATO policymakers must be exuberant.

But this is only a partial success story. NATO’s destruction of Libya[4] was an unblemished success story. Libya’s debt-free economy was destroyed and plundered, and now it will be beholden to International Financial Institutions and IMF (neoliberal) “economic medicine” which will privatize, enslave and further impoverish the country. Big Finance, a hidden driver behind imperialism and NATO invasions, will profit immensely from Libya’s destruction.


1. Max Blumenthal, “Blowback: An Inside Look at How US-Funded Fascists in Ukraine Mentor US White Supremacists.” Mint Press News, 15 November, 2018.( ) Accessed 16 November, 2018.

2. Facebook message from Lilly Martin to Mark Taliano, November, 2018.

3. Brad Hoff, “2012 Defense Intelligence Agency document: West will facilitate rise of Islamic State ‘in order to isolate the Syrian regime.’ “ Levant Report. 19 May, 2015. ( Accessed 16 November, 2018.

4. Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, “Destroying a Country’s Standard of Living: What Libya Had Achieved, What has been Destroyed.” Global Research. 14 November, 2018, 20 September 2011. ( Accessed 16 November, 2018.

[And Syria is just the latest example, consider the grossly illegal Iraq war based on a RAFT of LIES and misinformation, the Libyan disaster followed soon after, all delivered to the public by the LYING, elite owned, CFR managed, mass media, yes Rupert, you and your ilk are war criminals that should be arrested and placed on trial for your shameless propaganda and horrid lies which resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people world-wide.]

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