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The Assange Case Exposes the Supreme Cowardice and Servility of Puppet Leaders and Governments
by darcy Friday, Nov 16 2018, 11:34pm
international / prose / post

Background story here, please read before proceeding.


I would deal with the knee-walking, TRAITOROUS Australian government later, but first let’s take a look at the TRUE character of leaders like Donald Trump, who on FIVE separate occasions during his election campaign praised Wikileaks for its work, even going to the extent of stating, “I love Wikileaks!” Well, love it and its editor in chief, now you FULLY exposed servile, choke-collared, whimpering DOG!

Captured puppet and supreme GUTLESS WONDER Trump, who has backflipped dramatically on most of his now known FAKE promises to clean out Washington of its SLIMY swamp creatures, is CLEARLY now controlled by those slimy, un-elected and unrepresentative forces he promised to eliminate from the Capitol -- so much for the character of this SPINELESS, backflipping, no-account.

There HE stands TODAY before the ENTIRE WORLD, NAKED and exposed, as having all the mettle of a schoolgirl, a most despicable and disgraceful excuse of a MAN, notwithstanding this pretend ‘leader’ of a once powerful nation is now exposed as the frightened, capitulating girl he REALLY is!

This full EXPOSURE that the culminating Assange case has indirectly revealed is a lesson to the populations of the democratic world, YOUR leaders are ALL servants to dark un-elected unrepresentative forces. NOW, view it for exactly what it is, a sickening reminder that only puppets and liars are placed in power to do the bidding of un-elected forces that any astute, cunning and politically experienced MAN (of character) could not only contend with, but eliminate, which historical reality makes Trump’s disgraceful exposure the more disgusting -- are you reading this lame-brained, Trump supporters? YOUR leader has no more substance than a wet gastric, NOW proven! Who would or could call this girl-man a friend in REAL life, let alone a leader?

The Assange case has had, and will continue to have, numerous ramifications which the deep state did not anticipate, there is now, before Assange’s arrest, no escaping the FACT that Trump, the girl scout commander-in- chief is a wimp, EASILY compromised by a pack of cowardly backroom hyenas that never sit for election but instead chose to rule from the shadows, treating Trump and previous presidents before him, like the trained dogs they really are. Deep state powers would never install a brave, intelligent, independent man to office as of course that MAN would remove all parasitical and destructive influences on the State. And note that ALL so-called western democracies share one thing in common, their leaders are in actual fact treasonous, cowardly puppets to minority unrepresentative forces, accept that fact or indeed research and arrive at your own conclusions, or perhaps one of you media nose-ringed morons would like to name one real democracy on this planet, as CLEARLY, none exist. But back to big brave, Donald Trump.

Surely, if not due to the FACT that Wikileaks intentionally or unintentionally helped you defeat criminal Hillary for the presidency, do you not imagine you owe it something, as you articulated your support on many previous occasions? So why/how is it that the US under your FAKE leadership is NOW hell bent on the destruction of Wikileaks and the destruction of Julian Assange? Are you not aware that populations world wide remember what you said or is it that YOUR word is worthless, you forget, a REAL MAN is only as good as his WORD. But of course Assange has inadvertently exposed you as a despicable, LYING COWARD, a poor excuse for a man and leader, and other national leaders are well aware of YOUR failures Mr Trump, as it’s (Assange) now international NEWS, thank you mass media and the unthinking morons of the American deep state.

Today, Mr Trump, you stand before the entire world naked, a compromised, gutless, frightened schoolgirl, and my apologies to all school girls as not one of you has sunk to the depths of this sorry excuse for a man.

Now to successive, traitorous, useless and disgraceful Australian governments, that imagine serving Washington is more important than representing heroic Australian citizens.

You ARE Legally and Constitutionally OBLIGED to ASSIST Assange whether Washington likes it or not, or are you simply stand-ins for a FOREIGN colonial power? Are ALL Aussie CITIZENS expendable in the interests of political expediency, like the Balibo five and the Bali nine who were intentionally surrendered to the barbaric Indonesians which were completely unaware of their activities? Aussies would NOTE that the father of one member informed on the group to the AUSTRALIAN Federal Police which thanked him by unnecessarily surrendering the entire group to a primitive foreign power in order to gain its support in stemming people smugglers and boosting Howard’s re-election prospects; indeed, we know more than we are willing to publish at this stage BUT be assured we would instantly expose YOU ALL, Labor and Liberal traitors to the entire WORLD if you do NOT assist fellow Aussie Julian Assange, and rest assured we have the dirt on most of you! But by all means put it to the test, as Assange is NOW and would forever be a historical figure sacrificed for telling the TRUTH in a world of LIES and duplicity.

So puppet Australian politicians, either fulfil your sworn legal obligations to the PEOPLE or indeed ignore them to your future great cost, as we would pick you off, like the lame ducks you are, one by one, with exceedingly sensitive and compromising material when you least expect it. As TRADITIONAL Aussies we would enjoy the task of strategic and tactical compromises, we clearly are not who you imagine we are, we actually sit to your left and right, you lame, ignorant dunces. Go ahead, try us on for size by selling out Assange to a FOREIGN power.


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