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National Crisis Looms for USA
by lex Thursday, Nov 15 2018, 9:35pm
international / prose / post

The problem for investigative journalists regarding the title is where to start as there is no shortage of related material, in fact it has grown into a tidal wave today.

However, following the money is a sure bet, so let’s start with the almost inconceivable 21 TRILLION dollars unaccounted for by the Pentagon. In order to somehow apprehend this gargantuan figure we need to take a GOOD LOOK at the forest, not the distracting trees.

All we need know is that $21 trillion has gone missing from the Pentagon, which institution today has become a giant liability to every American citizen/tax payer, as after siphoning off trillions of dollars in national assets it has fallen behind Russia and China in weapons development, now confirmed by a recent publication detailing that a US war with either Russia or China, individually, could end in a US defeat, notwithstanding the fact that the above two nations have formed a joint military alliance, which means together they would VANQUISH the USA in a military conflict, now fact, as assessed by an AMERICAN bipartisan congressional committee.

How has it come to this, as it is well known that Russia and China individually spend a tiny fraction of their economic wealth on their respective military's? Well, the answer is obvious, neither Russia or China is run by profit only oriented corporations and bankers, which interests/forces in America have ruined the nation, note the past tense used. Indeed, America is no longer the world’s most powerful military nation, China has already eclipsed America economically and Russia in advanced weapons development for negligible cost if we compare the WASTED funds of Pentagon clowns, idiots and the avaricious, predatory nature of US weapons manufacturers that are now faced with very few nations willing to purchase their second rate antiquated weaponry for absurdly enormous prices, in fact most of the aware world has wisely sought to purchase more advanced weaponry from Russia at a fraction of the cost of failed US ‘advanced-antiquated’ failed weaponry.

Perhaps we should view the asymmetric approach to weapons development that China employs. One good example is the absurd cost of a US aircraft carrier in the hundreds of $billions, compared to a minimal cost of a Chinese long range, high velocity missile that is able to vaporise all aircraft carriers and large ocean vessels; now combine this relatively cheap but effective technology with Russia’s new hyper-sonic delivery systems which America has no answer to, and it’s a fait accompli in the event of major conflict.

Now consider that the speed and mass production of these highly effective anti-shipping missiles/weapons is relatively inexpensive and highly efficient, which amounts to the almost redundancy of massive naval forces, as wiping out naval vessels becomes a matter of shooting ducks in a pond from a distance of 3.5-4 thousand kilometers, it’s enough to make western naval academies cry.

So why has the US fallen behind in strategic arms development -- SIMPLY due to the FACT that US weapons manufacturers and associated companies, make MORE PROFIT making aircraft carriers and flying disasters like the F-35 and to hell with national security and international competitiveness; are we beginning to see WHY, and the forces responsible for the US becoming a third rate superpower?

Now consider that China and Russia NEVER outsource military development and manufacture, government central control utilising the services of scientists and local manufacturers are always in charge, NO outsourcing whatsoever, notwithstanding that outsourcing compromises security, indeed that is why America had no hint of Chinese and Russian advances in weaponry, whereas Russia and China were/are easily able to compromise the MANY weak links in the hundreds of outsourced companies involved in pillaging of US national wealth while developing second rate products. Also, the focus of these companies is not on security and high efficiency, it is on vying for a greater share of available funds (profits) and so focus was/is not on national security and international competition it clearly is on private corporate pockets instead; by now readers should be forming a clear picture of a failed political, economic and corporate system which consequences account for the largely thieved, ‘missing’ $21 trillion; meanwhile average Americans are forced to eat shit and suffer enormous social service deprivations almost to third world levels, do YOU now like or approve of your American dream(world).

Waste, inefficiency, obvious theft, mismanagement and corporate GREED are responsible for America’s demise, that is WHY Russia and China adhere so tightly to CENTRAL CONTROL and REGULATION, as the failings of human nature are no secret!

I hope that the vanished $21 trillion now begins to make sense, indeed WASTE and legal theft are responsible as the sacred Pentagon cow almost has carte blanche over available government funds BUT gone are the days of wise and prudent military spending as Wall Street bankers and the national economy have adopted Milton Friedman’s failed economic model of laissez faire capitalism, which roughly translates to, grab as much money as you can by any and all ‘legal’ means and run! However, this approach is clearly death to any nation as the nation’s life blood is consumed by self-interested parasites that fail to contribute to the nation’s overall well being and perform to the level required by the enormous amounts of wealth they steal/CONSUME.

Read more to understand above deductions and obtain a greater knowledge of how and why the USA failed so quickly and dramatically:

From Vanity Fair:

Note the Iraq war was an Oil theft war for Whom? Take a corporate guess:

Only the latest in Russian weapons technologies:

From The American Conservative:

The USA is clearly doomed unless the PEOPLE, as distinct from private corporate interests, regain control of Government.

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