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Libs Roundly Defeated in Wentworth
by dulcie Sunday, Oct 21 2018, 9:01pm
international / prose / post

Independent and Sapphic Dr Phelps won former PM Malcolm Turnbull’s seat of Wentworth, which seat WAS one of the safest conservative seats in the land. Get the message major parties!

Dr. Kerryn Phelps -- new member for Wentworth
Dr. Kerryn Phelps -- new member for Wentworth

To lose a high profile ultra-conservative seat to a lesbian independent speaks volumes about Australia’s disillusionment with major parties, particularly the minority elite-serving Liberals. It seems conservative political methods, which amount to blatant lies about majority representation, now fall on deaf ears as Dr Phelps’ win indicates. Australian conservative parties have much to consider, the days of fake promises and political duplicity are truly over.

Now to the big story regarding representation and female members of parliament, which conservative parties are slow to apprehend. The huge lesson from Dr Phelps’ victory is quite obvious, female politicians and those wishing to enter politics and represent the people should run as INDEPENDENTS and avoid the negative BIAS and drag on careers so evident in major parties.

Australia has never had a shortage of talented females, and comparing recent male behaviour in conservative parties, the women are clearly able to do a much better job.

Females have an instinctive community spirit and are more sensitive to life threatening issues like climate change while the men are easily BOUGHT by big money and plutocrats. Generally speaking it is time to give the girls a go, as the men have clearly lost it, especially their connection to the public and the nation’s needs; so I urge all the likely female candidates to run in the forthcoming FEDERAL election as independents -- no-one needs the support of the majors these days -- the message to the thoroughly corrupted major parties has already been made, neither major party truly represents the interests of the people, quite clearly minority interests OWN them both, isn’t that right, Rupert?

So go for it girls and make sovereign Australia fair, just and safe again; we do not need to be a primary nuclear target as a result of permanent American military occupation and its use of Australia as an attack pivot on China -- the war mongering yanks can take their mass murderous policies back home. Australia is now a extremely important geostrategic nation and any politician with half a brain could easily exploit the situation much to Australia’s favour, learn the politics of Marshal Tito, who astutely played Russia (USSR) and America off to be the only successful independent nation in Eastern Europe after WWII, though I doubt politicians today possess his skills, nevertheless, good politicians with less skills could easily play prevailing poitical forces, but it would take a NEW breed of Oz politician, it’s just a matter of competence, astute skill and a modicum of COURAGE, a characteristic our major parties clearly lack. Australia no longer needs to be servile to criminal Washington or any other failing or rising imperial power.

There are many critical issues that face this wonderful and truly lucky (natural wealth) nation, which are hardly covered by the privately owned (elite) mass media. Talented independents have been gifted immense opportunities by successive, thoroughly inept, previous governments. Capturing and harnessing the entire population with integrity, truth and fair play, would be a simple matter today -- I need not cite them (opportunities) here, as they are all known by prospective and able independents.

I am a woman and I am acutely aware of what this WEALTHY nation needs, a new direction without the usual, antiquated apron stringed slave governments. Imperial nations today have their own critical problems to deal with, and to slavishly follow any is to follow them into the pit of their own making. True independence and competent government earns respect from other nations -- today however, Oz is known world wide as probably the most servile, lackey, gutless, nation on earth, it doesn’t even occur to our knee-walking traditional politicians to question our SLAVE status to other nations, which UNNECESSARY slavery is quite clearly against our security and national interests.

Rapacious and exploitative foreign imperial powers may soon find that they have to pay a fair price for OUR resources and geostrategic ADVANTAGE, indeed, there is no such thing as a free lunch, so why do traditional pollies knee-walk to other nations? Simply because they lack the acumen, courage and vision to see things as they are and how things could be for the benefit of ALL Aussies, not just the few, Mr Murdoch and ilk. I know, as do many others that you, Mr Murdoch, had a hand in disposing of Turnbull though he served you and the business elite like a dog, as did your other trained, lying dog, Tony Abbott.

Well, Rupert, give fighting the bulk of the population a go, if indeed they are represented by a fearless, progressive, independent WOMAN, not a school girl like sell-out Julia Gillard, her address to the American Congress will go down in infamy, Australian history is very unforgiving, particularly as everything is recorded forever today.

If the young are extremely concerned with climate instability then how much more a woman AND mother. Voting for a WOMAN is not an option today, it’s an IMPERATIVE, as recent male political history verifies. Australia no longer requires politically castrated males to lead the nation, self-evident!

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