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The Freedom Myth
by danny Thursday, Oct 11 2018, 8:44pm
international / prose / post

First understand that ‘freedom’ is a relative term, you must ask freedom from what?


Are you free from pan surveillance, where your every move is monitored by agencies like the NSA and big high tech companies that use your mined data for THEIR profit?

Are you free from stagnant slave wages and the oppressive plutocracy that now possesses over 85% of the WORLD’S available wealth?

Are you free from the fear imposed by the surveillance police state that has now achieved pan self-censorship of citizens, you must watch what you say and think today?

Indeed, if we all assess our current slave existences we must conclude we are far from free, in fact we could easily compare America to the oppressive regime of Saudi Arabia, with which America has extremely strong ties, particularly on the economic and monetary front. The US dollar is a petro based currency, so don’t kid yourself that you and the nation are FREE.

The vast majority of the world’s population is anything but FREE. So rather than being led to believe in myths of freedom DEMAND it according to your nation’s Constitution and your inalienable rights as encoded by the UN.

Ruling elites today view YOU as an expendable resource to be abused, EXPLOITED then discarded, you are nothing to them but a resource yet you do not challenge your social slavery, you cower before it like trembling dogs and so it follows that you do not DESERVE freedom, as REAL freedom is EARNED, no-one is able to grant real freedom, this challenge faces everyone on the planet today, as the world enters a new feudalism of lords and slaves; that REALITY is in your face.

Consider all the lies you are fed daily by the media and politicians, do you ever consider asking yourself, has your life improved? Hardly, so why believe in all the crap and BABBLE about an improving economy when it’s clearly failing, elites have been printing money to sustain the economy since 2008, clearly an untenable situation, without REAL production local economies must eventually fail as printed paper is worthless without value added production. So what have elite owned monetary institutions taken to to compensate? Look at the fate of Greece and European ‘austerity’ measures, the elite owned ‘economy’ is now unquestionably PARASITIC.

Always utilise the simple process of verifying everything you see and hear with your current circumstances and then realise you are anything but FREE.

And after you realise the truth about your existence, you would discover that indeed you have options, you are capable of achieving your personal and national freedom from slavery and oppression by the few. The FACT remains, the masses are the most powerful social force in any nation and that is why you are managed to remain alienated and divided, tiny minority elites are all too aware that once you unite they are finished. So your choice is clear, continue to cower and eat shit or remove the social and psychological chains that bind. And as previously stated, no-one, demagogue, media apparatus or otherwise is able to grant freedom, in fact today they harness and enslave with lies and deception.

So what would you, a cowering dog or a FREE human being? Minority elites are in constant fear that the masses would one day wake up and remove the psychological gossamer chains that bind and then put an end to their rule overnight.

Of course I could go on and on and cite example after example but it would be to no avail as it all hinges on whether you choose to remain oppressed slaves or decide to regain the freedom your forefathers and you once had. Never take your (now lost) freedom for granted, there is no surer way of losing it; be vigilant and reject ALL manner of deceptions and lies designed to divide, alienate and oppress, ‘national security’ is no valid excuse, what is a NATION if not its PEOPLE?

WE are ONE -- ignore or forget it at your own peril.

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