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Astounding Revelation from NYT Regarding the Gross Incompetence of US Intel Agencies
by lex Saturday, Sep 22 2018, 12:25am
international / prose / post

Indeed, the New York Times -- a megaphone of the deep state -- has done it again, that is, unintentionally reveal how the world’s largest funded regulatory and intelligence agencies have failed to perform even up to basic expectations, yet they continue to be lavishly supported for their failures by enormous tax-payer funds for no good reason. A complete clean-out of these dysfunctional agencies is now clearly warranted.

The article to which I refer is titled, “A Plot to Subvert an Election: unraveling the Russia Story So Far.” This piece of course refers to the ‘Russiagate’ US media hysteria that Trump consciously colluded with the Russians to gain the office of president, which claim, due to the LACK of any substantive EVIDENCE to date, is absolute bunk or at best CONJECTURE, ASSUMPTION and groundless CLAIMS repeated endlessly in the CFR managed mass media in order to convince a lazy-minded public that these absurd, groundless claims/stories are true.

This article follows hot on the heels of a preceding unsuccessful dubious piece, which has duly been ‘hung up to dry’ by expert textual and cultural analysts, here and elsewhere on the alternative and mainstream media, consequently NYT editors decided to give it another shot and ordered hapless journos in its employ to concoct a ‘faction'-al -- fiction drawing on some facts -- story to save what is left of the credibility of the paper, though as will be seen, it further condemns the propaganda amateurs in the employ of the NYT, and that includes its editors, as they are ultimately responsible for final publication; indeed, first year media students, which I tutor, could have produced a much better crafted propaganda piece; you see, mass media is not really about reporting ‘truth,’ it is about the business of true or false information dissemination and convincing the masses that a LIE is the ‘truth’ and that Truth is a lie or a ‘conspiracy theory.’ And almost all media outlets today are guilty of this intentional or unintentional fiction weaving -- as bias/partiality is impossible to eradicate due to human nature.

Nevertheless, when conscious undertakings to write false rhetorical stories in support of certain interests are made, then skill and understanding of textual and semiotic theory is a must, which the journos ordered to write the referred to piece neither possess nor understand, as every textual story reveals its intentions and the truths it attempts to hide if layers of discourse in the text are analysed -- this type of deconstruction goes well beyond what is generally understood to be the ‘subtext,’ as most contrived pieces, have primary, secondary and multiple discursive layers which reveal more than intended. Inept journalists, the majority today, are necessarily obsessed with the primary layer discourse only, which is directed at the moronic, nose-ringed masses and therefore unintentionally reveal much in deeper discursive layers to highly specialised experts.

The NYT article is in fact screaming to experts the incompetence and ineptitudes of all US regulatory and intel agencies and before we proceed a little historical background is required to support the assertion.

Today we should be aware that India and Pakistan are nuclear powers, much to the chagrin of western powers, but what goes unnoticed is that during the period that India was developing nuclear weapons, the USA was completely UNAWARE of the fact until India exploded its first nuclear device, of course Russian and Chinese intel agencies were acutely aware of India’s developments in this regard. Now consider that ‘spy’ agencies are paid to monitor and gather intelligence on these matters, notwithstanding the enormous funds that US intel agencies demand for clearly not doing their jobs, These clearly lazy American clowns were taken by complete surprise at the time and its only luck that these secret developments were not directed at the USA, which was not likely but highlights the gross incompetence of US intel/spy agencies, especially if Muslim Pakistan had developed these weapons before India, as it happened one of the Indian (Muslim) nuclear scientists immediately saw the threat to Pakistan so helped that nation develop its own nuclear deterrence. And so we have two ‘third world,’ at the time, nuclear nations today. One can only wonder why the gross failures of the CIA and NSA weren’t met with huge reforms by government but that‘s another story, involving of course the real rulers of the USA, also known as the ‘deep state.’

Now to today, where the NYT piece attempts to weave propaganda fictions once again with the view of making unsubstantiated ‘Russiagate’ a reality. The article refers to these previous unsubstantiated claims throughout, that Russia did indeed determine Trump’s victory in the 2016 election, without ever offering valid PROOF of these media-saturated claims. this is termed secondary referrals as ‘givens;’ in other words, make repetitive false claims first then refer to them as given realities in later stories, though the journalists involved, probably attempting to maintain a little integrity in the industry, stated that, “There is a plausible case that Mr. Putin succeeded in delivering the presidency to his admirer, Mr. Trump, though it cannot be proved or disproved.”

Interesting admission to say the least, which in effect nullifies all the claims made in the article, you dumbarses. However, the public mind is not tuned to discrepancies or the real, humans are far more inclined to believe ‘comfortable’ fictions rather than facts and most media outlets play this failing in human nature for all its worth.

I would refer to a reasonable surface analysis here though taken from another perspective, as I am more concerned with deeper layers of text which evade summary analyses and what the article really reveals to the WORLD.

The New York Times has with its second feeble attempt at selling giant fabrications and overt propaganda lies -- remember the laughable “steady state” of a previous anonymous piece -- to the public?

Now if we for the sake of demonstration take the NYT article as ‘gospel truth,’ which is a humorous contradiction in terms, it informs us all that US intel agencies have grossly failed again to DETECT and PROTECT the USA from external threats, as of course Trump is president due to Russian machinations during the run-up to the election. And for this ENORMOUS deep state failure, more than adequately exposed in the article, the writers remain MUTE as this was not part of the commission to write a fictional piece selling ‘Russiagate’ to the masses; nor were editors aware of the same fact that the story actually compromises US regulatory and intelligence agencies through the floor, as editors like their journalists and readers were/are distracted by the primary discourse production while remaining blind/unaware of the transmission issuing from the stronger and more revealing secondary layers of text, which reality is a scream for America’s enemies, particularly Russia, which nation is acutely aware of how texts reveal much more than the cursory ‘eye’ is able to see. Perhaps that is the reason why Putin, who receives specialist advice, is able to see through and neutralise all America's feebly planned political strategies and prevail.

And so we have it from the US horse’s mouth (NYT), the USA, for all intents, is a rapidly failing State well behind the rest of the educated world and its perceived enemies.

Have a nice blind day, you American doodle dreamboats. And don’t forget to read the New York Times and view Fox News on a daily basis -- LOL!

In conclusion, I have no hesitancy in stating that one of the largest sources of intelligence leaks in the USA is the American mass media. You see, from a textual analyst's perspective, culture is 'text.' Good luck with future propaganda management CFR and American media moguls/plutocrats -- you inept clowns CONSTANTLY give the game away, as the NYT piece adequately demonstrates.

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