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WWIII -- Here it Comes!
by drake Thursday, Sep 20 2018, 2:04am
international / prose / post

To be sure, a nuclear WWIII would not be provoked by any sane nuclear nation intentionally, however, a very REAL possibility of an uncontrolled escalation now presents itself in Syria, with western forces, including NATO nations, UK, France, Israel and the US moving numerous nuclear armed naval vessels and submarines into the Eastern Mediterranean to confront Assad and Putin, notwithstanding planned air assaults launched from nearby allied airfields.

The west is pursuing a massive turn-around policy as these articles highlight regarding its failed proxy war on the ground in Syria. It hopes to provoke Putin/Assad into a military response, as the recent downing of a Russian Il-20, via Israeli air force dirty tactics, demonstrates. Putin has not retaliated to date, however, his military is livid over the numerous instances Putin always ‘caves’ to western deliberate attacks effectively on Russia, and so Putin has internal as well as external problems on his hands. This situation was clearly planned, and if we include the arms build up by the USA of the Kiev neo-fascist government in the Ukraine, we see that another front could easily open in the Ukraine, which of course is a traditional military tactic in warfare, open as many fronts as possible, to dillute the opposing side’s military capability on the main target, Syria.

It is abundantly clear today that western forces are now determined to take Syria one way or the other, the latest build-up and shoot-downs/provocations prove as much. But Putin clearly is aware of the strategy and refuses to bite, he has also cancelled his advance on Idlib to route the remaining terrorist groups hold-out in the city and surrounds by making a deal with Turkey to supervise the territory instead, not that any deal with Erdogan could be trusted for a minute.

Nevertheless, the USA and allies have lost an excuse, the ‘humanitarian’ R2P, which they utilised on Gaddafi and Libya to commit horrendous crimes against humanity and murder Gaddafi, while Putin sat on his hands and squealed like a mouse, though as a member of the UN Security council he could have intervened as pledges and aggreements were broken and abused by the West.

Most informed readers are aware that the US/NATO and vassal allies, care little for a valid justification for a military intervention, they would simply fabricate another excuse in the full knowledge that it would be exposed later and nothing done about it, after all, not one American has ever been held to account for the grossly illegal (now proven) intervention in Iraq, which resulted in millions of innocent civilian deaths and casualties, and for this gross oversight, the world may pay a very high price indeed.

The USA and its allies are of course emboldened by the fact that the world allows blatant criminality to continue unchallenged and so it becomes fairly easy to enlist support from other criminal mass murdering nations, particularly Israel.

And so a violent scene is set for Syria, which the west imagines is viable, not so. Now to the question of modern digital warfare and the algorithms utilised in modern weapons systems.

These algorithms are very far from faultless, in fact as has been recorded they are likely to misread certain circumstances and react robotically to a non-threat or minor threat and launch when a far lesser response is required if any response at all. What I am highlighting is that the days of traditional controlled warfare are over, see this highly informative and detailed article, with real life examples of failures and dramatic costly results of digital systems failures driven by algorithms.

The above is only an intro, though enough to highlight grave concerns to a much wider set of criminal plans by western powers. Readers are urged to research and VERIFY matters for themselves, nonetheless, the times for ALL populations to sit back and allow a tiny group of psychopaths to threaten the GLOBE are OVER.

Readers would also note that nothing of the above REAL and verifiable NEWS has been or would be disseminated by the mass media propaganda apparatus of the west, after all, the powers that be must not concern their debt-enslaved, semi-comatosed, UNINFORMED populations of an imminent threat to their lives which the powers are directly responsible for.

[Please share this piece with other concerned citizens, inaction and complacency are no longer viable options today.]

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