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Keeping up Appearances -- the Myth of Democracy
by gaz Saturday, Sep 15 2018, 9:09pm
international / prose / post

Anyone living in the western world that falls for the huge LIE that they live in a democracy is either mentally retarded -- Trump voters -- or living in a media induced dreamworld, or both. It is plain as day that ALL western governments LIE to the people and PRETEND representation to gain government then immediately backflip on all their promises to the people and serve unrepresentative, mega-wealthy minority banker and corporate elites.


Why people continue to play into this huckster ‘democracy’ illusion is explained by social desperation and and the LACK of viable alternatives. The two major party adversarial system of politics that prevails today is nothing more than a one stable two horse race where the stable owners -- banks and corporations -- win every time. And so the people are duped and abandoned, which REALITY is self-evident today.

Banker-corporate ruling elites OWN governments, pure and simple, consider the huge tax benefits they receive in every western nation while struggling populations remain on below subsistence wages and debt to survive.

This situation was no accident, banker and corporate elites learned from the civil unrest of the 60‘s, during which decade the people had disposable incomes as a result of fair wages; however, the freedom that fair and adequate funds granted was utilised by the people to pressure governments to fulfill their democratic OBLIGATIONS and when those already corrupted governments failed to deliver, unrest and demonstrations broke out world wide, which healthy reactions were met with police state oppression and violence against the people demanding civil rights and the cessation of unnecessary wars for profit from which banker and corporate entities hugely profited. Western societies were somewhat out of CONTROL from the perspective of ruling elites, which had maintained rule for centuries under various political systems.

And so plans were implemented to reduce the freedom and mobility of populations by debt enslavement, readers would note that the 80‘s was the decade where easy credit became universally available, no accident. Credit cards were actually mailed to every citizen of age in Australia so as to familiarise a population unaccustomed to credit card usage/debt much like pushers offer free drugs to potential addicts. Shortly thereafter worker’s unions, which guaranteed fair and equitable wages, were targeted and slowly but effectively, either eliminated or reduced to corporate puppets, today in Australia, a union, SDA, is actively supporting a nation-wide supermarket chain in its case against workers receiving the minimum legal wage, this and other supermarket chains are battling a debt to workers of 60million dollars and the SDA is assisting the corporates OPENLY, as it was the corrupted union that helped the corporates achieve an ‘enterprise bargaining agreement’, which placed workers below their legal entitlements. So worker support is a lost cause in most western nations as one way or another, wages throughout the western world have remained stagnant while corporate banker profits and price rises have sky-rocketed. Debt peonage today for the bulk of western populations is the obvious reality.

Debt and the elimination of disposable income has one of many consequences, it LIMITS to the extreme, the ability of people to challenge ruling elites and corrupted governments as they once did in the 60‘s, which decade was also known by its successful economies, after all people spend their wages which drives business and enterprise, money therefore is spread widely throughout an economically healthy society. But that also allowed for more freedom and huge opportunity to gain wealth, if desired, by creative thinking not fixing markets as is common fare today. Ruling banker and corporate elites have effectively criminalised national economies today, wealth disparity in western economies today is almost at levels not seen since the times of ancient Pharaohs and Roman Caesars, which empires both functioned on HUGE slave populations. Nevertheless, in the case of Egypt slaves were offered incentives, such as ‘free’ beer, good food and lodgings etc, if they slaved willingly for ruling elites, which is why domestic and worker slaves, had it good, comparatively speaking, and rarely revolted.

However, today domestic (national) slaves are forgotten in favour of offshoring where profits are greater and costs are reduced. Most manufacturing today is performed by former third world nations as local industry is considered non-competitive and has consequently been ruined. China and other Asian nations now control most of the world’s trade due primarily to western banks and corporations seeking profits and reducing costs. Yet the crucial factor for change in western nations is lacking today as populations have been reduced and held to subsistence survival levels, which hardships maintain compliance, after all, basic survival is better than non-survival. Rather than uniting for fair wages, divided and alienated unrepresented workers now compete against each other for the poorly paid jobs that remain.

There is nothing mysterious about wage stagnation and wealth disparity today, the game was rigged in the 80‘s and elites seem to have won. However, the major flaw is the corrupt fix of markets and ‘paper’ exchange based economies in order to compensate for no local production, infrastructure maintenance or the development of new industries, etc, which fake based economies cannot hope to survive. Central banks have taken to printing money based on no value, QE has become the heroin of the markets and banks, and is beyond control as any attempt to withdraw fake or convenient money from western economies today would end in massive recessions if not depressions. Western and some Asian economies are now stuck with using fake money to support their crippled fake economies, which situation is of course UNTENABLE.

The west is therefore facing a HUGE economic collapse, which would also affect Asian economies that are now dependent on selling their over-produced manufactured goods to western nations. Put simply, the ‘jig’, as they say, is ‘up’ and whatever is up in this regard MUST come down. So elites have resorted to an age old remedy, from THEIR perspective, WAR; hence all the created media hysteria regarding ‘enemy’ nations, which exercise is to create social unrest, fear AND more conflict, to the GREAT cost of the people, which, as recent history clearly indicates, ruling elites consider EXPENDABLE.

So what is new under the sun? Nothing! Not even SLAVE REVOLTS, which are preferable to external wars because the latter does not allow for choice in the matter.

And as has been clearly demonstrated again and again the FIRST choice is YOURS, and if you are UNABLE to make and pursue YOUR choices, self-interested OTHERS would make choices for YOU.

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