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Russia Prepares for a Full Nuclear War on US and its vassal Allies
by cyd Thursday, Sep 13 2018, 8:43pm
international / prose / post

Yes, it has come to this, but why? Simply due to the fact that the USA has lost its orchestrated war in Syria but refuses to withdraw its GROSSLY ILLEGAL OCCUPATION FORCES on Syrian lands. Furthermore, it now threatens the legitimate and LEGAL right of the Syrian government and its allies to rid the nation of paid, supported and protected, by the US and its allies, terrorist proxy fighters, now concentrated in Idlib.

Russia and other Syrian allies have all acted within the LAW regarding liberating Syria from invading and internal separatists that continue to be supported by the Saudis, Israel, Turkey and the CIA, which nations and agencies have no intention of respecting international LAW and the sovereign RIGHTS of nations to deal with criminal insurgencies that threaten their nations and the welfare of their people.

Not only is removing all terrorists and violent, murdering rebels a right for any government under international law, it is an imperative and necessity to prevent the further spread of this scourge/pestilence from infecting other nations in the region. It should be noted and emphasised that only the USA imagines it is above ALL laws, hence it holds the record for any nation regarding the killing of innocent civilians, and should be held to account for this heinous crime against humanity.

Clearly international institutions, the UN, ICC and other related regulatory and judicial bodies, due to their CONSISTENT outrageous failures (corruption pure and simple) to hold the USA to account SINCE the indiscriminate (carpet bombing) SLAUGHTER of MILLIONS of Indo-Chinese peasants during the Vietnam war and today the slaughter of millions more in North African, the Middle East and Central Asia, primarily for the THEFT of oil and other resources; it becomes obvious that major players must deal with matters directly.

Putin, known in Washington as a coward and mouse, as he has ALWAYS deferred to US and NATO aggression except in the case of Syria, lives in a dream regarding the USA and its CRIMINAL activities -- most of which are recorded. So I would say to that obvious COWARD and cowerer, you cannot deal sanely with criminals, LIARS, thieves and cheats, the only signal they understand/recognise is FORCE, as the Russian military are acutely aware. Putin’s deference is not viewed as attempts to negotiate and seek sane solutions, they are viewed as COWARDICE in Washington -- and no amount of talk would alter that perception. And so the Russian military is making all necessary preparations for a full nuclear conflict with the USA and western Europe, as clearly, IT HAS NO CHOICE!

All the signals given by Putin thus far amount to NOTHING in Washington, a mad dog knows no reason, only a bullet to put it out of its misery.

And for those that doubt the above claims, they should understand that a leader is only as strong as his internal support and if that leader loses the support of the military then clearly he is only a token leader; while other forces work in the background to ensure the safety of the nation and its people against ALL possible threats and ATTACKS.

Anyone that believes ANY report issuing from the western mass media deserves to be MISLED, as the western media is nothing more than a propaganda and distraction apparatus today.

The FACT is, the world is NOW confronting a devastating nuclear confrontation primarily due to the reckless and aggressive behaviour of the mad (neocon) dog USA.

If the USA continues to pursue its lunatic and illegal criminal aggression in Syria then of course the entire world would be aware of the consequences without the need to refer to any media for reports, make no mistake, the consequences would be felt WORLDWIDE.

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