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There is NOTHING United About the United States
by zlatko Tuesday, Aug 28 2018, 9:23am
international / prose / post

Not being an American I really have to laugh over the degree of disunity in the USA. Far from a binary division like the civil war, ‘blues and greys,’ today we have every imaginable group politically, theologically and socially apart, though each group is distinct and opposes, at the very least, the ideology/theology/ideal/race etc, of other groups, which of course leads to RUIN, be told by an external observer.

Consider the popular modern adage, ‘what goes around comes around’ (explained in context soon); it seems that American ruling elites have forgotten to watch their backs, probably as it is they that are responsible for today’s numerous divisions within the country, every action has a reaction, simple.

You see, elites love a tried and tested formula, and so they employed the ageless tactic of DIVIDE and CONQUER, which they first deployed on Yugoslavia; it worked so well they have become addicted to this strategy, but have another, which they deploy when cultivated antagonistic divisions fail, of course I refer to the infamous FALSE FLAG, you know, 9/11 the inside job; and it is these two strategies alone that have kept the USA on a permanent war path, much to the joy of parasitic weapons manufacturers, the Pentagon, intel agencies, police, other related regulatory bodies, and of course technology companies which comprise the military-industrial-techno-surveillance complex all making a huge kill on the wealth of the nation while its population learns to eat shit. Well, done elites, and as an Australian Serb I couldn’t have done better myself as I loath everything and everyone American, you mass murdering bastards! Now that that’s clear. You have no idea how much I am enjoying writing this piece and wish to say 'zdravo' to all my brethren in Chicago and Canada. But to return to the topic.

However, as is so very obvious, today these tactics which American elites have successfully utilised on other nations have somehow come home to roost; maybe, as America pretends to be a Christian nation, I’ll quote from the New Testament, “You reap what you sow,” yea, that seems to be the case, as never in US history has the nation been so divided. And few are making any attempts to address this very serious problem, which other nations, particularly enemy nations, are acutely aware of. Makes for all those fabrications about external threats seem real, doesn’t it, doodles?

I’m sure the Russians and Chinese would love to take credit for ruining America from within, notwithstanding they are always blamed for the sins of the ‘father’ in this case American ruling elites that still haven’t grasped the gravity and sublime irony of THEIR actions, but be assured they soon will, as you can’t lead a nation at war with itself, you dumb elite fucks. Even a reformed junkie from the slums, could have told you so.

Regarding Trump, the president America deserves; have you noticed that he spreads division like a plague in his own country, which he should be unifying? Go Donald go, you have the support of every nation and ethnic group America has illegally attacked and/or invaded. And yea, Trump haters, do something about it because Trump is an elite protected stooge and errand boy, his greatest talent is national distraction and creating divisions everywhere he goes, perfect, it won’t be long before you’re ALL at each others’ throats. So we would endeavour by all means possible, particularly the Internet America created, to destroy you, and thanks for doing all the hard work, IMBECILES!

Now where was I? O yea, trashing my favourite country with of course all the help I require from your own worst enemies, the criminal elites that have hijacked your Republic, you remember, the Constitution and Bill of Rights are only “pieces of paper,” I wonder who filled Bush’s empty head with that one? O yea, the Neocons, which group of crazies continue to maintain their control over American foreign policy, thanks guys.

But to get to the unfortunate point for America, now ask your media-lobotomised selves where all this division leads? Because everyone knows but YOU, dreamboats.

You’ll have to excuse me now, it’s time to play the star-strangled banner.

It’s only a matter of a very short historical time.

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