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The Push to Consciousness
by jay Thursday, Aug 23 2018, 9:41pm
international / prose / post

This earth plane is characterised by its evolving life forms ever pushing to an indistinct to many, rarefied state of pure being. The earth cares little for the species that attains its goal of harmony and clarity marked by its synchronisation to the universal flux. Today humankind just happens to be the dominant species, though it clearly has a tenuous hold on that status.

The species, now failed beyond doubt, pursues environmental and social destruction of itself, a sickness that plagues the species. From early cave days to ‘civilised’ societies constantly engaged in war, theft and destruction until that process of devolution produced weapons which are now capable of wiping out the entire species. But these weapons in the hands of emotionally stunted children are not the primary concern, that is reserved for the inability to LEARN from previous mistakes and grow emotionally, intellectually and dare I say, spiritually, which term here requires definition. ‘Spiritual’ evolution is toward balance and harmony via unity, without which failure is ASSURED.

Most people are aware of the catastrophic imminent failure of humanity, if not directly then by a haunting dark foreboding, however, no forms of remedial action are taken. The failed species continues to repeat the exact same behaviours/patterns which ENSURE its destruction/extinction. We need not ask WHY, as we KNOW, we are all human, however a short list may assist in understanding: cowardice, greed, arrogance, selfishness (we are a social species) etc, but above all the inability to act against the KNOWN forces that have set a trajectory to nihilism.

Indeed, without an education our instincts inform us we are LOST and doomed YET the species is incapable of the simplest correction.

Governments are divorced from the people they are meant to serve, not one nation on earth could boast a government of the people by the people, all political systems are a farce and outright LIE, notwithstanding the vast overwhelming majority is aware of the FACT. But that FAILED majority, which is easily able to correct various perverse directions, remains paralysed when faced with the many problems extremely sick ruling minorities create, as has ALWAYS been the case since history was recorded, sick ruling elites herding masses of slaves to ruin.

The inability to learn and then act to cure problems, which did NOT characterise early human groups, is now a modern plague.

For example, if our leaders have failed us, as they do constantly due to self-interest and corruption, then they must be eliminated from the scene altogether and replaced by those that tend toward harmonious coexistence and increased quality of life FOR ALL, yet the spiral is clearly downward turning today; it seems our illiterate ancestors have much to teach modern humanity, as without mutual aid and cooperation, the KEYS to social survival, the species would have faded from the scene much earlier and another dominant life form would have taken its place to push more effectively to consciousness, to which the entire infinite universe is attuned and by which it survives indefinitely.

Now this simple formula is known to the human species instinctively but is ignored in favour of clearly destructive pursuits that are diametrically opposed to group survival.

The earth cares not for the players, its evolutionary concern/direction is toward perfect harmony awarded by the clarity that consciousness grants. And so without the need to emphasise, if humanity does not adjust and correct its perverse ways, it would surely DIE and if survivors continue in small numbers the next more agile species would clearly overwhelm it. I am referring to insects with some irony, as they are the best equipped to adapt to radical change and would always be present until the earth enters its last stages of existence.

Now given the universe’s push is to consciousness and perfect harmony/balance, how long would it take for dominant surviving insects to achieve consciousness, a few billion years perhaps, but its inevitable as it is driven by greater forces that humankind could hope to understand.

So I leave you all to the consequences of your INACTION/paralysis/fate; dive into your digital devices, televisions, fantasies for comfort, as clearly you cannot cope with REALITY.

Your failure to correct what you KNOW to be corrupt and counter-productive dooms you ALL.

If perchance you see that inaction in the face of necessary change ensures doom then perhaps, as YOU are capable, take action to reform your governments and place known white-collar criminals on trial where applicable and remove the useless rest from positions of influence. Those actions alone would be a very promising START. But that would be far too easy if humanity had not forsaken itself; today, however, humanity is clearly incapable of any positive direction whatsoever, so I say farewell. And how I truly wish to be PROVEN wrong.

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