Inverse Times Open Publishing

by brad Saturday, Aug 18 2018, 9:15am
international / poetry / post

bloody aussie,
there he goes again
fair suck of the sav
i mean really,
why disguise a phallus with a phallic symbol?
when sucking a cock is raw and gratifying
if not for two at least one

there he goes coming the raw prawn again
but nobody is buying
stick with english, slang is too confining

yea, yea, consider for whom i am writing,
all those bronzed melanomas in their budgie smugglers
waiting their turn
for onion joyce who turns it on for the boys,
i’m always ready she says

ready for what? a rock ledge, smelly towel and the clap
nah, i’ll speak the language of the raw event and the
sub-culture, it fits, unlike disinfected english
or the rancour of formal australian
ok, ok, i’m pretending,
but i’d rather be shit-faced,
there's always a slab and rollies at the surf club

Inverse Times Open Publishing.