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The Real Source of the Problem
by sandy Sunday, Aug 12 2018, 8:31pm
international / prose / post

Military police States require two main factors to survive -- to sell their over-produced weapons in order for weapons manufacturers to continue developing newer more efficient devices for killing and destroying, AND/or constant or “perpetual wars.” So now I would ask a very simple question with an obvious answer, which military police State today fits the above description perfectly, a perpetual war doctrine and a manic pursuit of evermore costly weapons? AMERICA of course! Other powerful nations are forced to develop weapons to maintain parity and independence, though they would rather get on with business and trade for the benefit of all. But not America. WHY?

The bloated and wealthy US ‘military/industrial complex’, that president Eisenhower warned America about so pointedly in his farewell address, has become so large and powerful that it is EASILY able to buy politicians, rule governments and ensure they support wars and the military with huge government fund allocations, today the situation is out of control with almost a $trillion being allocated to that sector.

This ‘complex’ now requires more funds than the nation can afford, note collapsing infrastructure, scarcity of jobs due to offshoring other industries (for increased profits) and the ever-diminishing social services such as health, education and social safety nets. Indeed, the military/techno/surveillance/intel agency complex of today is by far the largest devourer of the nation’s public money, notwithstanding the same public assets were illegally used to bail out crooked Wall Street banks that support these mega-corporations involved in the development of war products. So the backbone of the nation, its productive work-force/PEOPLE have not only been shafted in favour of elite enterprises/profits, but have also been robbed by the same elite groups and the large banks.

Now consider how Trump stole the office of the presidency with brazen LIES, of ‘draining the (above) corrupt Washington swamp,’ returning production/jobs home to benefit average and skilled workers and return America to the status and living standards it once showcased to the world in the 50‘s and 60‘s. But those days are LONG gone, destroyed by the banks and the mega-corporations that comprise the military/industrial/surveillance police State apparatus, which now targets local citizens and monitors their every move and communication. And if that circumstance is not bad enough, diminishing available funds are wasted on wars that ONLY benefit large corporations, which are returning the favour by bankrupting the nation and destroying the living standards America once enjoyed.

Now when things could have improved at home, as Trump PROMISED, what do we ALL see instead, Trump bellowing war and more war, SERVING the parasitic corps and agencies referred to above. The reason is obvious, Trump instead of "draining the swamp” has been devoured by it; Trump is not only a huge sell-out, he is weak as piss as any man of character would have stuck to his principles and to hell with the parasites killing the nation, but no, NOT Donald, who clearly possesses no character whatsoever, he is now ordered around to sell weapons to allies and fight/promote unnecessary wars, the LATEST is a proposed attack on Iran, which has never threatened the USA and which nation signed a nuclear agreement to cease development in that area with external inspectors having full unprecedented right over inspection sites of their choosing, but of course that reality does NOT serve the interests of warring factions, the military complex, and weak as piss Trump was FORCED to rip up the agreement and allow those nefarious interests to plan an attack on Iran -- what a pathetic ‘president’ and tragic circus of events for America.

So toss the American people’s welfare and jobs aside in favour of the parasitic war machine that is killing national prosperity and destroying other nations for no good reason. America remains the leading civilian killing nation in the world.

That is the REALITY people, and I need not elaborate further, except to say that the REAL problem America faces does not issue from external sources, Trump got the swamp right in the first instance but was far too weak to realise his promises and is now clearly a puppet of the forces he promised to curb, just ask war-mongering NEOCON, John Bolton for verification.

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