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The Appalling Failure of Australian Governments to Protect Aussie Citizens
by darcy Wednesday, Aug 8 2018, 11:27pm
international / prose / post

It seems that successive Oz governments have forgotten that it’s the PEOPLE, citizens that install them into office, however, no sooner do the elected arrange the furniture in their Canberra offices, all of them, Labor, Liberal and most minor parties, they contract amnesia and neglect their RESPONSIBILITIES and promises made to the people and begin to serve unrepresentative minority elites, which behaviour also happens to involve borderline treasonous affairs with powerful criminal nations, particularly the USA, which maintains its disgusting and deplorable status as the world’s LEADING civilian killing nation. Its many grossly illegal military interventions in weaker sovereign states speak for themselves, the USA has been fully exposed and the real facts of its habitual criminality are easily obtained in the public domain.

Victimised and abandoned, Julian Assange
Victimised and abandoned, Julian Assange

Yet Australian politicians of whatever stripe continue to knee-walk in Washington to the likes of PROVEN heinous criminals; FM Julie Bishop’s recent servile performance for CIA Mike Pompeo and “mad dog” Jim Mattis, was shameful and thoroughly disgusting, though typical of the servility displayed openly by Howard (head in Bush’s arse) and Gillard’s custard faced approach to America, whose gut churning performance to the American Congress forced me to reach for a bucket.

NOW, it is also KNOWN, traditionally and culturally that Australians are NOT arse-lickers, and implying they are in any company, with the exception of politicians, is enough to get you a well deserved belt in the mouth. So wherefore this political servility that opposes our rebellious tradition against all thoroughly corrupt imperial powers and their corrupted legal and other institutions/offices? Wherefore indeed!

The answer is plain if historical records are analysed. As it’s simplicity itself. Politicians do NOT represent the people they represent minority elite interests as they did in early colonial times, to whom they pledge allegiance while begging for their support; Abbot was photographed on his knees begging like the DOG that he is, for Murdoch’s support prior to his election, notwithstanding the numerous despicable LIES that issued from his self-interested mouth, which eventually cost him his job; the Australian people unlike their American cousins are not so easily fooled or remain passive when faced with amoral, duplicitous politicians.

The current useless, plain to see, PM Malcolm Turnbull, was able to harness the public LOATHING of Abbott and replace him as the next puppet PM that eagerly and OPENLY serves the minority Big End of town. All Aussies know it -- again highlighting the FACT that our politicians DO NOT SERVE THE PEOPLE and shirk their RESPONSIBILITY to protect all citizens. Which obvious fact is highlighted TODAY by the despicable and disgraceful abandonment of Aussie citizen, Julian Assange, whom Gillard called a criminal, though Assange has never been charged with ANY criminal offence, fact!

And so what determined Gillard’s view and the view of our sitting government? AMERICA of course, which is a FOREIGN POWER that treats Oz like a convenient bit of real estate after Gillard signed over all our sea-ports, airfields and other infrastructures for American military use, which act has made AUSTRALIA a PRIMARY NUCLEAR TARGET, unprecedented, in the event of an American provoked war with China, well done sickeningly servile, treasonous, lackey politicians -- none of you reflect an iota of traditional core Australian values and our willingness to assist our brothers and sisters in times of crisis, which behaviour is spontaneous with average citizens but CLEARLY NOT with our politicians, though with the SINGULAR exception of former Senator Stott-Despoja who single handedly was responsible for the release and return to Australia of Guantanamo Bay tortured and despised, by other politicians, David Hicks -- I congratulate her again for her steadfast adherence to the responsibility of her office, to which other self-seeking politicians are BLIND, stand accused regarding the shameful neglect of beleaguered Julian Assange.

Now to make it abundantly clear, I am no supporter of an arrogant, pseudo-elitist, self-righteous, narcissistic prick, Assange and his bloody “Martinis with friends”, whom I personally view with contempt as he has proven extremely dangerous to emerging young hackers, by his vain self-destructive, example. HOWEVER, I will not sit by and watch passively while a fellow citizen is victimised by CRIMINAL (proven by Assange) foreign powers, WHILE our DESPICABLE politicians TODAY stand by and cheer the PERSECUTORS.

I am like most traditional Aussies angered that Assange has been abandoned and fed to the dogs by supreme lackeys Turnbull and Bishop who face the wrath of the Australian nation at the next poll IF THEY DO NOT ASSIST ASSANGE IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY and return him home safely and unconditionally, as was done with David Hicks, a proven misguided terrorist fool, but Aussie citizen nevertheless; in other words when the situation warrants we catch and kill OUR OWN we do not ABANDON ANY AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN TO FOREIGN POWERS, period -- have we got it now you useless Aussie politicians and job-anxious mass media journalists?

With the lack of a fearless fighter like former Senator Stott-Despoja today and the shirking of responsibility by ALL our current politicians the task falls on the shoulders of all Aussies that do not think when they assist a neighbour in distress -- bushfires, droughts, all manner of hardships. Without OUR core VALUE of mateship and mutual support this NATION would never have been built/established.

The Australian people of conscience DEMAND that our useless lacky politicians SUPPORT and do EVERYTHING possible to return, uncharged of any offence, JULIAN ASSANGE, home to his family and the FREE shores of Australia. And to neglect this DUTY, Turnbull and ilk SEALS YOUR FATE, you despicable chicken-shits -- you have a DUTY to protect!

And to our less than honourable mainstream journalists, be aware that not supporting Assange would come at a cost, your pathetic job-anxiety would not be unwarranted. So to all influential Aussies, neglect this core duty and its possible CAREER suicide; and to those that 'know better' and support ALL citizens in distress, succeed with genuine public support and approval.

[Please share with all concerned Aussies and help sort our treasonous, USELESS politicians.]

Incompetent lackey cowards, Turnbull and Bishop
Incompetent lackey cowards, Turnbull and Bishop

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