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Mueller Releases a Skripal Orchestrated Farce
by gus Sunday, Jul 15 2018, 12:40am
international / prose / post

The latest ‘news’ -- lol -- on idiotic president Trump and his alleged relationship with Russians has been released by Mueller’s deputy AG, now note the presentation: “Crucial Details“, “Major Development”, “Unveiled” and the list goes on, and that from only one ‘news’ source. So why the big sell if it’s all true? Indeed, the only thing missing is a bottle of nerve agent that any high school chemistry student could make from formulas in a published book freely available in the public domain.

Do your best with nothing but Hype
Do your best with nothing but Hype

Now call me a cynic if you wish but I have been around too long to fall for obvious sells, and you all should have learned after the nefarious sell of the Iraq war resulting in over a million innocent deaths and tens of million more displaced persons/refugees -- the Iraq sell remains a total CRIMINAL ruse based on the world’s largest raft of MEDIA LIES, but suck the latest up anyway, cos you can’t help your STUPID, gullible selves.

Okay, let’s presume that Russians are the world’s leading hackers, a FACT known since the 80‘s in hacker circles, also note that Israeli hackers, ‘stuxnet’ are mostly Russian Jewish immigrants and yea, it stands to reason that Russians can sure hack -- now as any kiddie hacker would inform you, average hackers leave no trail, therefore irrefutable evidence does not exist, hence my cynicism, surely the world’s best are easily capable of ‘spoofing’ and other means to hide their non-existent tracks, indeed they are. So on what ‘solid’ evidence are Mueller’s latest smears/accusations based? In two words propaganda/lies, the Big Sell, as in the Iraq war and the ridiculous UK Skripal poisoning (by Russians of course) pathetic joke.

Now granted, the expertise of the America mass media is equivalent to the expertise of Russian cyber warriors, few could argue that America has the world’s most effective propaganda industry since the CFR harnessed all the major media outlets and their mogul owners. It’s a done deal and it’s VERY effective, in fact the country would collapse into anarchy/mob rule if the media didn’t supply the social adhesive to maintain a semblance of coherence and control. Never underestimate its ability to lead astray and guide public opinion, tricks learned from Madison Ave, public relations experts and marketers mostly, which combined skills have been given the nicer euphemism of [social] “perception management.”

It is obvious from the US ‘news’ presentations and TIMING of the release, just before Trump meets with Putin, that something is rotten in America. I mean really, who are you shadow government clowns trying to kid? Allow me to explain. While America reigns supreme regarding propaganda, it fails miserably regarding subtlety, strategy and tactics, a blind man, in the outside world, could see the obvious ruse; but not your average ill-informed, IGNORANT American citizen and that is the spanner in the works. The strategy and tactics behind the propaganda presentation, the same was obvious with the Iraq war, were/are woeful -- in the industry, cultural and media analysis, we call it OVERKILL. However, shadow ruling clowns have NO choice but to use a hammer to send the message home, as the American population is thick and dumb to the extreme, so outsiders are easily able to expose a ruse when they see one that is obvious.

But to be sure let’s wait and see what HARD evidence Mueller has on the Russians he indicted for hacking, not hearsay, contrivance or circumstantial, real hard evidence of hacking by the accused -- world populations are already aware that the USA is very big on (media) accusations and very thin on evidence, in fact it is never produced simply due to the fact that propaganda is a pack of LIES. Recall what was stated previously, evidence of hacking does not and cannot exist; the Russians are indeed the world’s best at cyber warfare, fact, by a country mile.

Have a nice duped, ignorant day, you doodle dandies!

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