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The Serene Gaze of the Enlightened
by cas Thursday, Jul 12 2018, 3:30am
international / prose / post

Have you ever wondered why the Buddha and other enlightened beings are depicted with a serene facial expression and a faint blissful smile that shames the Mona Lisa? In some Tibetan tankas (religious paintings) Gods and beings are locked in sexual embrace yet the facial expression depicts other-worldliness and detached bliss with slightly upturned eyes (inward looking), and again that tell-tale faint smile, and this while locked in what would otherwise be sensual embrace.

Indeed, they all signify something special, not of this world though in the world, signified by ‘yab-yum,’ sexual embrace -- an intriguing presentation for lost (in the world) souls, no doubt.

Now appreciate that a perfectly relaxed face appears to smile as the facial muscles, released of all grimacing tensions, appear to cast a smile, which smile in fact signifies perfect equipoise/relaxation. What do these beings really transmit to lost humanity?

We are all familiar with modern cultures and their tortuous existence, how few, if any, in the west could claim perfect inner peace and harmony with universal creation? Very few indeed but always some.

These persons have either discovered or have achieved real-isation of Truth/Enlightenment/perfect Peace and inner harmony, which is the gift to ALL humanity that universal creation bestows; YES, we are created to be aware of our connection to the creator or the creative/impulse/principle, more accurately.

Now understand that creation is an ongoing infinite process, as infinity has no beginning or end, which clearly indicates it’s a kinetic process that saturates all existence including human kind -- nothing is excluded, it can’t be, it is simply impossible to separate infinity as it is necessarily ONE creative, ongoing, movement/process -- there can never be two (2) infinities, which reality is easily understood by the mind, but mind is not the answer as it is entirely a product of culture in which false identity is located, the personal pronouns, ‘I, me, mine,’ etc refer to the false identity, notwithstanding some traditional cultures do not have/use personal pronouns, as they are aware, consciously or unconsciously that life is co-existence, mutual aid and cooperation for all social species, which attitude presupposes social harmony according to the example of nature’s harmony and we know that without conscious deliberation nature has no choice but to reflect universal harmony, which is signified in the Fibonacci sequence in flowers, pine cones and certain sea shells, and also in the spiraling forces of moving water and wind, fluids.

Existence and nature are in CONSTANT flux, clearly determined by observation, yet man attempts to fix with all manner of controls, behavioural codes and regulations, falsely imaging that social species must be regulated/harnessed to maintain social structures etc. The question then begs, who does this harnessing? Are those forces qualified to violently oppress and manage the majority? Clearly the daily news indicates they are not, in fact, the regulators and controllers (govern-ments) actually create conflict to further their selfish, perverse interests, but who or what manages governments?

Any notion of democracy is farcical, as established regulators, religion, law convention, oligarchs and plutocrats do not surrender their power once established, it must be taken from them, and note that 'power' only exists if it is exercised, in other words, power must be applied to something that is affected by it, subjects for instance, those subjected to regulation/oppression in its varying forms, ideologically and physically, though clearly, as is evident today, that power is perverse in and of itself as it does not allow for harmonious co-existence, only enforced oppression and superimposition. And so the vast majority of humans are harnessed by false ‘gods'/values; evil, as in perverse forces.

Now, you may well ask, what has all this social stuff got to do with enlightenment? Plenty, as before freedom is achieved you must be aware of what imprisons you; it is absurd to scream freedom, without first asking, freedom from WHAT? Though all politicians use these expressions as though they do not need explanation, note how they all refer to freedom, democracy, and liberty without first defining what it is that imprisons us, (shadow governments, religious ideologies etc,) that capture, regulate and imprison, psychologically and physically utilising State apparatuses/institutions to do so, including education and religious indoctrination.

Subject to these formative/shaping powers humans in large societies become over regulated slaves, allowed to function only in very narrow spectrums/areas, and that includes prohibitions on free thinking today, so who or what are you? Nothing but a PRODUCT to be exploited by the perverse system that created your (false) identity, the “I,” your ‘I’ notion, which is false and entirely created by culture. This reality is easily confirmed: watch your thoughts for a while and you would soon discover they are all comprised of signs, symbols and their variations, ‘language’ in other words, ALL learned from culture, and what do we KNOW of culture? It’s FUCKED, to put it bluntly, culture today is a disease, the oppressive force in our lives, huge penalties including death are applied when/if we consciously oppose the prevailing perversity/codes of corrupt cultures.

Fear of self-will/freedom is instilled at a very young age in favour of social conformity, in fact coercion was once fundamental to all ‘educational’ institutions, and in one form or another, probably continues to this day, as large managed societies cannot afford to allow deviation of any sort, particularly those that instinctively APPEAL.

And so those that have achieved freedom/harmony/peace have done so at great cost, socially and psychologically; destroying “I” consciousness is probably the most traumatic experience possible as it is tantamount to real death -- and it is death of the separate ‘individual’ and the birth of a universal, infinite Be-ing in harmony with the infinite creative principle itself, which creates, permeates and sustains all things, perpetually.

So, if you would truly be FREE of the psychological chains and physical behavioural codes that shackle the majority then you must break those chains, socially and psychologically; the former is the simplest to neutralise as increased AWARENESS burns perversity like acid.

The second is difficult but far from impossible, as we all share the same connection and are endowed with the means to achieve psychological freedom and conscious re-connection with the creative impulse, without which, physical and psychological death would be instant.

(Real) Life itself is infinite, as its source is ONE for all manifestations of Life, therefore our connection to THAT/the Life is the only pursuit worth undertaking, ask yourself, are you really happy with the baubles, toys and material values that culture creates? Like children we all tire of toys quickly whereas infinite kinetic creation is always new and expansive, not contractive and regulatory like culture.

Eternity/infinity is creation’s gift to all things -- are you bold enough to become a God and share consciously in the creative process of continuity?

If so, nothing would be hidden and you too would express the serene smile and gaze of an enlightened Be-ing. But you must overcome and achieve yourself, you do not need gurus, as usually they seek money and fame and be sure that no challenge you face is insurmountable for you, though they may be to others -- nature ensures that we are always able to overcome, otherwise infinity would have been extinguished, do you understand?

We are ONE, ALL is ONE, but never kid yourself -- LIVE and BE IT!

Like all species in nature we are all endowed with the necessary inner skills and talents to achieve our rightful heritage/inheritance.


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