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The Startled Stare
by cas Monday, Jul 9 2018, 3:46am
international / poetry / post

i had a friend once
an odd fellow that had been
rigorously molded by religion,
it matters not which, as they all separate
the forming child from its essential self
and substitute self-awareness
with all manner of crapulous fantasies
and regulatory behaviours via coercion, guilt
and fear -- religious indoctrination is tantamount
to child abuse

however, most people survive the brainwashing to become
maladjusted functional slaves in society
not quite right but not too wrong that they are unable
to function as slaves, which after all is the purpose
of religion -- sacrifice earthly paradise for a false promise
of heaven -- an ongoing unsubstantiated claim/lie, as the texts
were written by men - God writes existence,
not Hebrew, Arabic or Greek.

imagine mentally disturbed Paul the lawyer/apostle preaching,
“I die daily ...,”
well good luck to that fool, as it is quite obvious that Gods
are all about Life, Truth, Light and victory over inculcated
darkness in this or any other world

surely it must be better to live daily than die daily,
but the Old Testament goes to great pains to describe a fall
and a consequential world of blood, sweat and tears (how convenient)
which justifies a priest class offering hope/salvation when in essence
life could be paradise without the pollution of any ideology
or haven’t you noticed how nature endures harmoniously
or how traditional ‘illiterate’ societies respect their environment
attributing spiritual life to all things,
hence not wreaking havoc pollution on the world and each other like the Abrahamic

the OT is not short on genocide, theft and worldly gain,
I mean, the “treasury of the Lord,” whose treasury?

over a few short years in early adulthood my odd friend became more dissociated
until a permanent startled stare graced his tortured face,
which expression transmitted loss and agony though unable to be expressed
sanely and coherently as the priests, guilt and fear had done their job
in destroying what could have been a productive, happy, peaceful life, alas,
another one bites the dust but most survive to function, in a manner of speaking;
greed, narcissism, selfishness, violence, you name it,
all the negative characteristics of the clearly very sick pathological god of the OT

why would any learned scribe lend his once specialised talents to such

Well, Kings ruled and everyone under fear of death did what they were told, the envy of today's
leaders, but they are getting there.

did you know that Catholics are the most likely Christians to convert to fundamentalist Islam,
we know why, the Jesuits explained it perfectly, to paraphrase, ‘give us a child to form till seven years of age and you can have him/her after that, as ‘we’ own them

indeed, but they failed to realise that other fundamentalists could exploit that training/brainwashing as do secular states today that require an obedient, exploitable work force, slaves in other words.

now you may wonder where all this is going, tragically suicide for my totally lost friend, though he was supposed to be ‘saved’ by religious indoctrination, though in our current man-made predicament/world, more violence is wrought on nature and ourselves as each day goes by, “subdue the earth,” ay!

which earth is an expression of universal harmony, therefore I say to all ideologues, either heal or fuck thyself, as all your perverse beliefs are about as useful as tits on a bull, in fact they are totally destructive, as is clearly evident today.

though never fear or despair my trusted readers as my next short article will be on ‘the serene gaze’ of enlightened human beings that refused to forgo that inner connection to the universal harmony, notwithstanding the torture they faced and endured to conform, of course delivered by 'well-meaning' social sadists/regulators.

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