Inverse Times Open Publishing

Succession Cures Corrupt Rogue Federal Governments
by vance Sunday, Jul 8 2018, 7:23pm
international / prose / post

The USA has an advantage over other western democracies in that States are easily able to succeed and once again declare their Independence from thoroughly corrupt and unrepresentative Federal Governments.

All the idiotic focus on imbecile puppet president Trump could easily be neutralised by succession in the USA. However, other British based parliamentary democracies do not have an easy approach to succession and must therefore fight to becomes sovereign States and free from centralised corruption. Nevertheless it is entirely feasible but the US population would be required to truly lead the world in this regard, setting an example for other failed democracies to follow.

In other words, if federalism has failed the nation/people miserably then localisation should and could replace a sick federal governing body.

Today and in the very near future the world would be forced to confront such a dilemma so better a conscious and constructive approach than falling into chaos, rebellion and destruction, which would ensue if today’s obvious warnings of a failed federal system are not recognised, heeded and remedied.

Indeed, concentrated centralised power BEGS to be corrupted whereas a confederation of independent States is far more difficult to tamper with by external influences.

So rather than whinge and whine about unrepresentative, corrupt, elite serving central governments, localise power and declare independence from the cesspool of corruption that plagues all western nations today.

Whichever perspective you take it is CLEAR that the current centralised federal system has FAILED the democratic MAJORITY.

Never forget that solutions always exist. It’s your move people, either restore representation and real democracy locally and form a confederation with other independent States or remain SUBJECT and EXPLOITED by the rotten and corrupting forces that have hijacked the nation.

Inverse Times Open Publishing.