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Syria: Allied Chemical Attack Farce/Pretext Exposed
Ron Paul via gayle, Tuesday, Sep 4 2018, 6:42pm
After neocon John Bolton, who clearly has not learned any new tricks since the 9/11 false flag, threatened an allied attack on Syria if Assad used chemical weapons -- which he does not possess -- and after Russia submitted proof to the UN of a US/allied false flag attack in order to protect their extremist proxy fighters in Idlib, the 'emperor' is seen as having no clothes. The false flag ruse is now completely shot to ribbons. Failing the usual pretext the USA/and puppet Trump have now resorted to direct threats/warnings to Syrian government forces and its allies not to route US paid and trained terrorists from Idlib -- if this wasn't a tragic war scenario it would be a comic circus, and that dear readers is the true face of CRIMINAL, 'perpetual war' America today.
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Watch Your Wallets — The Next Crash Is Coming
Robert Reich via janice, Tuesday, Sep 4 2018, 6:03am
September 15 will mark the tenth anniversary of the collapse of Lehman Brothers and near meltdown of Wall Street, followed by the Great Recession.
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The Buddhist Monk Who Became an Apostle for Sexual Freedom
Donald S. Lopez Jr. via mia, Tuesday, Sep 4 2018, 5:42am
Not spitefully binding or beating someone,
Not cruelly stabbing someone with a spear;
Passion is offered to a passionate human.
It may not be a virtue, but how could it be a sin?
From A Treatise on Passion (1967) by Gendun Chopel (story and 1 image)
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rayn, Tuesday, Sep 4 2018, 12:06am
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The Rise of the Cyber Mercenaries
Neri Zilber via ben, Monday, Sep 3 2018, 10:44am
The first text message showed up on Ahmed Mansoor’s phone at 9:38 on a sweltering August morning in 2016. “New secrets about torture of Emiratis in state prisons,” it read, somewhat cryptically, in Arabic. A hyperlink followed the words. Something about the number and the message, and a similar one he received the next day, seemed off to Mansoor, a well-known human rights activist in the United Arab Emirates. He resisted the impulse to click on the links.
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The Surveillance Economy and its Discontents
Alexei Goldstein via dulcie, Monday, Sep 3 2018, 8:16am
In 2016, Amazon Web Services released Rekognition, a service that lets users analyze digital imagery in order to identify objects, including faces, based on a machine-learning algorithm. The company has touted uses for this product that include identifying triggering content in images, determining emotions in an image, cashier-less grocery stores (which they have implemented in Amazon Go) — and, most worrisome, “public safety.” (story and 1 image)
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Google Reportedly Bought People's Banking Data In Secret, And That Isn't Even The Bad News
Adam Clark Estes via gus, Monday, Sep 3 2018, 7:44am
In a post-capitalistic world that seems very specifically and violently designed to rip off the poor for the benefit of the rich, spending money is complicated. But at least, until recently, you could live without fear that some multibillion-dollar Silicon Valley giant would buy up your banking data in order to serve you more effective ads. (story and 1 image)
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Extra-judicial Kill Lists: Murder by Algorithm
Tom Emswiler and Will Isenberg via jane, Monday, Sep 3 2018, 12:03am
The USA ILLEGALLY murders anyone it chooses anywhere in the world. Those SECRETLY selected for execution are the unlucky 'winners' of an insentient mathematical formula/lottery, known as an algorithm. It should be noted that algorithms cannot think or judge, it's limited mathematics at work that determines who is to live or die; and if you think that reality is an outrage you would be right, extra-judicial kill lists are grossly illegal by name and nature, the RESPONSIBILITY for this American CRIMINAL outrage falls squarely on the shoulders of International Courts as kill lists more often than not, target citizens from a host of nations. Law abiding nations should immediately test, in international courts, ANY nation that imagines itself ABOVE the LAW, it really is that simple.
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The Weaponization of the US Dollar
Pepe Escobar via suzie, Sunday, Sep 2 2018, 10:50pm
The Iranian rial: crash. The Turkish lira: crash. The Argentine peso: crash. The Brazilian real: crash. There are multiple, complex, parallel vectors at play in this wilderness of crashing currencies. Turkey’s case is heavily influenced by the bubble of easy credit created by European banks. (story and 2 images)
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Meaning-Less or More
clancy, Sunday, Sep 2 2018, 4:18am
an intriguing word as all successful communication depends on meaning and the signs and symbols that transport/transmit culturally learned meaning/s. (story and 1 audio file)
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Leaders and Followers
lex, Saturday, Sep 1 2018, 9:08pm
This situation prevails today as it has throughout human history -- the need of the weak to follow the strong. This became the most popular model when REAL leaders led their groups/tribes/nations by EXAMPLE and fought wars on the front line with their followers who were proud to fight for the cause that leaders espoused. We note the historical record in this regard, ancient Greek heroes, the foremost of which was Alexander. Roman Caesars who led their conquering armies and expanded the empire until it was subverted from within by money/corruption and the destructive intrigues of WEAK men’s politics.
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Provocations Have A History Of Escalating Into War
Paul Craig Roberts via jan, Friday, Aug 31 2018, 11:06pm
The following article by Paul Craig Roberts is worth a read if only to demonstrate how naivety and personal bias are able to distort one's perception of REALITY. Mr Roberts has failed to address Putin's enormous personal WEALTH in the hundreds of $millions which is ferreted away in WESTERN banks and western offshore tax havens and he should note that Swiss banks that have no difficulty freezing $5 billion in Russian assets NEVER touch Putin's filthy corruption cash assets, which could never be earned as a Russian politician. So the case for corruption by globalist interests that rule the USA, is HUGE. (story and 2 images)
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jude, Friday, Aug 31 2018, 2:07am
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Sickening: Australia's new Conservative PM, Scott Morrison Bans Entry of Chelsea Manning
Jon Queally via stacey, Thursday, Aug 30 2018, 10:59pm
Australia's clearly UNREPRESENTATIVE conservative political party, only weeks out of one of the most appalling internal leadership spills in the country's history, has immediately demonstrated to VOTERS that the new PM neither respects nor represents Australia's love of free speech AND acquiring information by banning whistleblower Chelsea Manning from the country to give talks; an APPALLING but expected action from the new arch-conservative, treasonous Washington lap dog, Scott Morrison. Either this man is blind to the electoral consequences of his clearly UN-AUSTRALIAN action or he is aware that the party is finished in the next federal poll and has decided to acquiesce to Washington's desires to gag a person whose only 'crime' is exposing REAL U.S. war, and other crimes against humanity. Australians would soon have their say at the POLLS. (story and 1 image)
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Big Telecoms on Verge of Net Neutrality Defeat in California
Jon Queally via shaz, Thursday, Aug 30 2018, 10:09pm
Closing in on a major defeat for the powerful corporate interests trying to wrest control of how the internet functions, the California Assembly on Thursday night overwhelmingly passed SB 822, a bill that proponents have call "the strongest and most comprehensive state level net neutrality bill in the country."
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Unstoppable Political Sea Change in the Making
nano, Wednesday, Aug 29 2018, 10:17pm
It is true that all western governments serve unrepresentative minority elites, politicians lie to gain power much like Trump lied about ‘draining the Washington swamp’ and ‘jailing Hillary Clinton’ for her many un-prosecuted crimes. But where does it all go after the victorious party gains office? Indeed, up the political spout, which reality has been proven in EVERY western ‘democracy’ time and again, and the masses are acutely aware of the fact.
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jillian, Wednesday, Aug 29 2018, 9:01am
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Back in the Great Game: The Revenge of Eurasian Land Powers
Pepe Escobar via darren, Wednesday, Aug 29 2018, 4:20am
Get ready for a major geopolitical chessboard rumble: from now on, every butterfly fluttering its wings and setting off a tornado directly connects to the battle between Eurasian integration and Western sanctions as foreign policy.
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Apply the Pin-prick Test to all Mass Media Propaganda
neil, Tuesday, Aug 28 2018, 7:57pm
The NYT recently published a story, linked below, intended of course to convince the public there is substance to the 'Russiagate' fabrication/fiction -- Russiagate is repeated incessantly in the media primarily because no proof exists to implicate Russia or any other EXTERNAL party in Clinton's loss to Trump; clearly the Democrats just can't take the truth/reality, Hillary lost because the public detested her and what she stood for, pure and simple.
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Vigilantes with a Badge: Warrior Cops Endanger Our Lives and Freedoms
John W. Whitehead via sal, Tuesday, Aug 28 2018, 6:57pm
“There are always risks in challenging excessive police power, but the risks of not challenging it are more dangerous, even fatal.” -- Hunter S. Thompson (story and 1 image)
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