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The Majority of Americans Do Not Believe the Official 9/11 Story
Paul Craig Roberts via darcy, Tuesday, Jan 8 2019, 6:51pm
TruePublica, a British website that has avoided the 9/11 issue, has had its fill of ignorant journalists at the BBC, Huffington Post and other propagandists for the military/security complex. The constant, shrill demeaning of experts and distinguished people who have raised questions about the official story has convinced TruePublica that skeptics who need so much shouting down must have a point. (story and 1 video)
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Syria Withdrawal: 'President' Trump's Decision OVERRULED by Underlings
Ron Paul via james, Tuesday, Jan 8 2019, 6:16pm
If the presidency of the United States means anything at all it means LEADERSHIP and authority; so HOW is it that on almost ALL occasions Trump makes a positive initiative for peace it is OVERRULED by war hawks and neocons that serve the corporate military/industrial/surveillance complex? Indeed, the PRESIDENT, that is the 'commander-in-chief,' seems to command NOTHING -- the so-called 'Deep State' clearly rules the USA, an unrepresentative, un-elected, UNDEMOCRATIC entity that serves its own interests, war PROFITS at the huge expense of civilian and military lives.
Trump, if nothing else, has served to DEMONSTRATE to the ENTIRE WORLD that the US president is IMPOTENT.
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Bolton’s Syria Conditions Are Designed to Prevent U.S. Withdrawal
Daniel Larison via jane, Monday, Jan 7 2019, 8:34pm
Syria withdrawal: it was absurd from the start. Could you imagine John Bolton withdrawing from ANY war/occupation? Not in a pink fit, and then with Mike Pompeo on his flank and poor little non-entity president Trump in the middle, what would you? So now the truth emerges, indeed, there is going to be an INDEFINITE withdrawal which could take years. Now that's more in character Washington neocons and war hawks. Since when has any modern president stood in the way of the now entrenched Deep State. Let's face it American dupes, presidents today are only for show purposes. If they go against deep state policy they are easily out-maneuvered by the REAL powers that be and their servants in government. (story and 1 image)
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Chomsky’s Unearned Prestige
Eric Zuesse via jane, Sunday, Jan 6 2019, 7:35pm
A large part of Noam Chomsky’s public image as an intellectual is derived not from his role in the field of linguistics, but instead from his having co-authored with Edward Herman Manufacturing Consent. The first matter to be discussed here will therefore be Chomsky’s contribution to that work; and, more broadly, that work’s contribution to human understanding — the actual significance of the book. (story and 1 image)
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Kosovo is a De Facto “NATO Protectorate” Though it Legally Remains a Serbian Province
Marcus Papadopoulos via drake, Sunday, Jan 6 2019, 7:21pm
The following interview was conducted on RT Germany:
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Professionals and Experts Finally FORCE 9/11 Grand Jury Investigation
jake, Saturday, Jan 5 2019, 9:25pm
"Based on the work of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth led by Richard Gage, first responder and pilots organizations, books by David Ray Griffin and others, and eyewitness testimony, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry has presented enough hard facts to the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York to force his compliance with the provisions of federal law that require the convening of a federal grand jury to investigate for the first time the attacks of September 11, 2001." (story and 1 image)
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Bernie Sanders Reminds Liz Cheney of Iraq War Lies After She Attacks So-Called 'Fraud of Socialism'
Jessica Corbett via claire, Friday, Jan 4 2019, 10:10pm
"Really? I wasn't aware that it was 'socialism' that LIED about weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq."
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“The Machine of Perpetual War Acceptance”: Veteran NBC Journalist, William Arkin, Resigns in Protest
Jonathan Turley via james, Friday, Jan 4 2019, 9:51pm
This week I published a column on how the Democratic Party seems to have jettisoned many of its defining values to simply become the anti-Trump party. The best example of that transformation is the automatic opposition to Trump’s decision to pull troops out of Syria and other countries. At the same time, liberal media outlets like CNN and MSNBC have been airing continual experts denouncing the “hasty” withdrawal.
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DUPED -- The ‘News’ is CRAP
jess, Thursday, Jan 3 2019, 10:12pm
Have you ever taken a perspective on media news in general regardless of source? If so, you would note that’s it’s mostly, if not ALL, NEGATIVE! Sure we live in troubled times BUT humans by nature are not all bad. So why the continual focus on the ‘dark’ or negative side of human nature? A question that must be asked due to the fact that media news shapes public narratives, discourse and consequently cultural consciousness. (story and 1 image and 1 attached file)
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"What kind of maniacs are running this country?"
Jon Queally via gayle, Wednesday, Jan 2 2019, 5:37pm
Pentagon Rings in New Year With Joke About Dropping Massive Bombs on People.
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by most of the SANE WORLD, Wednesday, Jan 2 2019, 4:24pm
2019 promises MORE WAR if we allow the nutters in Washington to continue pursuing their permanent WAR doctrine -- enough of this MADNESS, it’s TIME to put an END to this WAR doctrine MADNESS and restore our nations to SANITY.
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Happy New Year, My Arse -- Tell it Like IT IS!
suzie, Tuesday, Jan 1 2019, 10:14pm
There’s not a lot to be happy about in reality, unrestrained pollution has resulted in runaway climate change, who’s FAULT? And don’t YOU dare point your finger at anyone but YOURSELF. Dozens of flagrantly ILLEGAL wars and brazenly illegal military occupations justified by brute force only -- no law or international consensus -- and we are supposed to be civilised! Millions of innocents killed and maimed globally by a star-spangled CRIMINAL NATION, not Russia or China, but AMERICA, Saudi Arabia, Israel, NATO, and other vassal ‘allies’ --- hard FACT! And YOU MINDLESS morons and drunken, spineless wankers yell, 'happy year!!'
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zed, Monday, Dec 31 2018, 8:02pm
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The West Is in Disarray, and It Will Get Worse
Federico Pieraccini via jess, Sunday, Dec 30 2018, 11:32pm
We are witnessing the withdrawal from Syria of the American military contingent, protests in France, the prospect of a British hard Brexit, the political decline of Angela Merkel in Germany, Netanyahu in crisis, and Mohammad bin Salman of Saudi Arabia suddenly becoming an international pariah. The contemporary crisis of leadership in Europe, the United States and among their main allies has thrown the West into chaos, leading it to one of its most critical junctures in recent decades. It is a situation brought on by the United States and its contradictory politics, which results in diminishing the sovereignty and decision-making power of Washington's allies.
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This Lie Called Democracy
Philip A Farruggio via jane, Sunday, Dec 30 2018, 11:21pm
Well, another year stumbles out the door and a new one is pushed in. This procedure is emulated by the consistency of this lie we call democracy.
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The Blame Game as Social Pathology
james, Sunday, Dec 30 2018, 10:28pm
Any professional psychologist/psychiatrist would tell you that people that always blame others and NEVER admit or take responsibility for their own disastrous actions or in-actions, suffer an acute pathology that manifests as pathological lying, narcissism, paranoid psychosis etc. However, when this condition manifests in entire societies it seems disregarded as a SOCIAL disease. (story and 1 image)
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The Necromancer
drake, Saturday, Dec 29 2018, 11:35pm
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WAR, war and More War -- America is a Disease
darcy, Saturday, Dec 29 2018, 8:35pm
Regardless of all the pretences and Orwellian inversions in Washington’s fictional narratives -- supported and disseminated internationally by the Deep State’s (CFR managed) plutocrat-owned mass media -- it all comes down to permanent WAR. One wonders why so many think tanks and other paid ‘expert’ advice is necessary when all advice and conclusions result in WAR. (story and 1 image)
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Battling the Bots
Elias Groll via stacey, Saturday, Dec 29 2018, 8:47am
To the casual observer, it’s not immediately evident how Kris Shaffer’s training as a musicologist prepared him for his job as an online detective. (story and 1 image)
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Iraqi Lawmakers Demand U.S. Withdrawal after Trump Occupation Troop Visit
staff report AP via stacey, Friday, Dec 28 2018, 10:09pm
Iraqi lawmakers Thursday demanded U.S. forces leave the country in the wake of a surprise visit by President Donald Trump that politicians denounced as arrogant and a violation of Iraqi sovereignty. (story and 1 image)
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