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All Empires Require an Emperor Figurehead
Bruce Fein via jack, Tuesday, Jun 26 2018, 10:18pm
The United States has adorned its president with extravagance that makes Roman emperors appear frugal by comparison. And such visible signs of the deification of presidents are supported today by absurd 'legal' doctrines that echo Richard Nixon’s once discredited claim to David Frost: “When the president does it, that means it is not illegal.” Though of course we know that Nixon was disgraced and forced to resign, as the then democratic population would have none of it, i.e, a semi-divine, exceptional, Napoleon/Caesar complex. (story and 1 image)
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Totalitarian America and the Culture of Fake News/Propaganda
Finian Cunningham via liz, Tuesday, Jun 26 2018, 9:51pm
American citizens have a problem telling the difference between facts and opinion. That’s the finding of a recent survey carried out by the respected Pew organization. Put another way it means that at best, most Americans have a tenuous grip on reality.
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Be Still
pru, Tuesday, Jun 26 2018, 11:28am
. (story and 1 attached file)
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A tragedy in the making as the US confronts China
David P. Goldman via anton, Tuesday, Jun 26 2018, 10:17am
Chinese officials are warning that they are prepared not only for trade war, but for financial, diplomatic and limited military confrontation with the United States, in response to American demands for fundamental changes in Chinese economic policy. (story and 1 image)
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The Political Status Quo is a Dead Man Falling to the Ground
reg, Tuesday, Jun 26 2018, 8:20am
It’s true, world populations are rejecting the thoroughly corrupt political status quo, that is, to be specific, voting for one of two major parties that serve the same minority interests, which is equivalent to a two horse one stable race, the stable owner always wins. (story and 1 image)
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The Corporate/Banker Run State of America -- Democracy Died Decades Past
Jake Johnson via cyd, Monday, Jun 25 2018, 8:46pm
Mega-Corporations and big banks run America, governments are a facade, window dressing, pure and simple, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that these entities work hand-in-glove in their self-interest. AT&T is but one of numerous large companies that work in the interests of minority elites to the great cost of the people and nation.
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Banksy needles France on migrants with Paris mural blitz
AFP staff report via lilly, Monday, Jun 25 2018, 8:14am
The mysterious British street artist Banksy appears to have taken aim at the French government’s crackdown on migrants in a series of new murals in Paris. (story and 3 images)
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A World of Free Movement Would Be $78 Trillion Richer
staff report via claire, Sunday, Jun 24 2018, 9:29am
Consider a tiny spec of a planet in a far off solar system where its inhabitants are all divided and compete/fight with each other though if they worked together the planet would be a paradise not a hell hole. Indeed, that planet is OUR earth.
The following radical proposal is well worth a read and deep consideration, as continuing division and conflict is not only counter-productive but self-destructive.
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Crisis in U.S. Power -- The Dollar System
F. William Engdahl via tony, Sunday, Jun 24 2018, 6:38am
This article is dated (2003), nevertheless it remains relevant, perhaps more so today than before.
No other nation on earth, alone, comes near to the commanding superiority in overall military and economic strength. The US position in the world since 1945, and especially since 1971, has rested on two pillars: The superiority of the US military over all, and, the role of the dollar as the world's reserve currency. However, the dollar is the Achilles heel of American hegemony today. (story and 2 images)
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Russia LEGALLY Defends Ally Against US Illegal Occupation And Its Paid Proxy Fighters
Leith Aboufadel via rick, Sunday, Jun 24 2018, 1:15am
Orwell's new world of the inverted and absurd is alive and well TODAY. Russia has entered the Syrian war LEGALLY to defend a sovereign ally while America continues to ILLEGALLY occupy the country and engage in direct military action against sovereign state Syria and also continues to engage in indirect action by supporting Jihadist/extremist rebel forces in its pay. Furthermore, the criminal state that flouts all international laws and conventions, AMERICA, has issued a "stern warning" to Russia and the government of sovereign Syria NOT to interfere with its CRIMINAL activities of attempting to appropriate the precious oil and gas resources of SYRIA -- how's that for a classic Orwellian inversion, crime is right and legality/law is wrong?
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Government Eyes Are Watching You: We Are All Prisoners of the Surveillance State
John W. Whitehead via trixie, Saturday, Jun 23 2018, 10:26am
First broadcast in America 50 years ago, The Prisoner—a dystopian television series described as “James Bond meets George Orwell filtered through Franz Kafka”—confronted societal themes that are still relevant today: the rise of a police state, the freedom of the individual, round-the-clock surveillance, the corruption of government, totalitarianism, weaponization, group think, mass marketing, and the tendency of humankind to meekly accept their lot in life as a prisoner in a prison of their own making. (story and 2 images)
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Today’s Global Refugee Crisis and its CAUSE
rob, Friday, Jun 22 2018, 10:13pm
Prior to dealing with the outcome issue -- millions of refugees fleeing for their lives to other nations -- I would draw your attention to the fact that the elite owned and CFR managed western mass media goes to great pains NEVER to mention or discuss the OBVIOUS CAUSE of the refugee crisis globally.
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In Whose Interest?
stacey, Friday, Jun 22 2018, 1:51am
It is farcical to imagine that ANY western government acts in the interests of the people today; all western governments serve their corporate and banker masters, fact, regardless of what they claim. Flying in the face of true Democracy the western world sees time and time again major parties promise this and that to the people and then renege on all their promises and act in the interests of the mega-rich and powerful MINORITY elites.
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The Entire Western World Lives In Cognitive Dissonance
Paul Craig Roberts via cyd, Friday, Jun 22 2018, 1:25am
In this column I am going to use three of the current top news stories to illustrate the disconnect [from reality] that plagues the Western world/mind. (story and 1 image)
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The New Nazi State -- America
peter, Wednesday, Jun 20 2018, 6:43am
The would-be Fuehrer of America, Donald Trump, true to form, has now openly embraced and deployed racist Nazi tactics on desperate immigrants attempting to cross the border into the United States. Trump’s shocking and inhuman practice of separating children from their parents and families is nothing more than a calculated tactic to hopefully stem the tide of immigrants seeking refuge, notwithstanding that corporate Trump supporters stand to make $millions from detention centres to house and concentrate the new ‘Jews, ’ that is, brown skinned Mexicans and Latinos. (story and 1 image)
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Climate Catastrophe: NASA Scientist Blasts Complacency
Oliver Milman via jenny, Tuesday, Jun 19 2018, 10:23pm
The privately owned and shaped mass media is obsessively focused on petty, idiot 'news' as usual, Trump and other matters that do not concern the majority. However, climate change, now becoming a real catastrophe, CONCERNS ALL HUMANITY as its impact would be more than catastrophic. For instance, one third of the Great Barrier Reef is already DEAD due to climate change, numerous island nations in the Pacific have already been impacted by sea level changes, huge ice shelves in the Arctic and Antarctic are melting at an alarming rate, and the list goes on, particularly the impact on all our oceans and vital fish resources. But what is the mass media focused on? Trump and other non-critical idiotic political matters while climate barely rates a mention. The following comments from a specialist should alarm everyone, and hopefully galvanise the pathetic, irrelevant mass media to focus on critical matters that affect us all rather than irrelevancies and titillation. (story and 2 images)
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Corruption is Legal in America
gayle, Monday, Jun 18 2018, 10:34pm
This five minute video is a must see for those that continue to labour with notions that governments represent the people -- forget it!
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Assange: To Whom are You Appealing Mr Pilger?
smiley, Monday, Jun 18 2018, 3:04am
It saddened me to read John Pilger’s recent address delivered at a rally in Oz relating to his futile attempts to free his mate Julian Assange. (story and 1 image)
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Sky Blue
silk, Sunday, Jun 17 2018, 1:25am
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sandy, Saturday, Jun 16 2018, 9:23pm
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