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Populism Rules No One Need Think Anymore
troy, Thursday, Aug 2 2018, 1:01am
Let’s face it, thinking is a strain on the brains of the enslaved public, especially in the USA, with Pakistan currently following in at a close second -- it has recently been revealed that the all powerful Pakistani military applied pressure on Pakistan’s media to ensure that pretty, political dunce, Imran Khan was elected to power, which result for Pakistanis means more of the same misery, though this time the enormous corruption and poverty plaguing that nation would be less obvious, hidden; you’ve got to feel for the desperation of the people that as yet refuse to believe that it’s all been a sham.
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The Death of Investigative Journalism in Oz, Channel Nine’s Takeover of Fairfax
Binoy Kampmark via stacey, Wednesday, Aug 1 2018, 8:43pm
Media moguls Murdoch and Packer are responsible for the outrageously concentrated media that exists today in Australia, nevertheless, the last bastion of real investigative journalism, the Fairfax owned outlets, survived the onslaught for a time, today however Fairfax has succumbed to popularity, goodbye informative reporting and hello populist, meaningless media. Tit and sensationalism is how Murdoch built his global empire and as verified by the takeover company, money is now the number one consideration.
What this takeover (merger is a misnomer) represents is the cultural failing of a nation, which has all but lost its unique identity to toxic American values, the nation which is now a suitable home for Murdoch and his toxic, sensationalist media. (story and 2 images)
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Russia’s Ascension to Global Military Superiority
drew, Wednesday, Aug 1 2018, 6:33am
Prior to embarking on what may be a futile textual endeavour, if mis-information is the case, Russian claims and real world demonstrations appear to have tilted the scales. No longer is the USA the world’s military No.1 if media claims both US and Russian are to be believed.
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The Permanent Lie, Our Deadliest Threat
Chris Hedges via hal, Wednesday, Aug 1 2018, 12:42am
The most ominous danger we face does not come from the eradication of free speech through the obliteration of net neutrality or through Google algorithms that steer people away from dissident, left-wing, progressive or anti-war sites. It does not come from a tax bill that abandons all pretense of fiscal responsibility to enrich corporations and oligarchs and prepares the way to dismantle programs such as Social Security. It does not come from the opening of public land to the mining and fossil fuel industry, the acceleration of ecocide by demolishing environmental regulations, or the destruction of public education.
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TEENAGERS' Climate Lawsuit Against Trump Can Proceed, Supreme Court Rules
Julia Conley via gayle, Tuesday, Jul 31 2018, 9:09pm
A group of teenagers and younger children secured a victory in their case against the Trump administration this week, as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that their lawsuit demanding that the federal government take stronger action against the climate crisis can proceed.
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Plain to See: Western Politicians No Longer Serve Their Nations or People
Paul Craig Roberts via ellie, Tuesday, Jul 31 2018, 7:56pm
The following piece applies to ALL western nations as they all follow the ruinous policies of monied elites.
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A Measure of Profound STUPIDITY
sophie, Monday, Jul 30 2018, 8:31pm
Today, religionists have gained a surprising degree of political power; in the USA it’s the Evangelicals that support Trump’s continuity as president. In the Middle East it’s extremist Wahhabi and Salafi fundamentalists that engage in religious wars. In Israel it's the extremist, fascist, Zionists that determine the nation’s violent policies. In Asia Buddhist monks lead revolutionary movements against corrupt governments and the list goes on. However, I would confine this short piece to the Abrahamic religions which lead the world in violence.
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The Magnificence of Self-deception
lewis, Monday, Jul 30 2018, 8:13am
It’s magnificent due to its now pervasive global reach, the populist leader that knows jack shit about politics but sure knows how to take orders and dance in front of cameras. Sense, logic, skill, ability and political knowledge are no longer requirements for national leadership. The latest example is Pakistan, where a former cricket player and political dunce has been swept to power, of course with elite and military support, but no matter, he’s pretty and popular! (story and 1 image)
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How BRICS Plus clashes with the US economic war on Iran
Pepe Escobar via james, Sunday, Jul 29 2018, 11:48pm
The key take away from the BRICS summit in Johannesburg is that Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – important Global South players – strongly condemn unilateralism and protectionism.
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quinn, Sunday, Jul 29 2018, 10:32am
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Evangelicals Encounter a Mystic on the Road
ray, Saturday, Jul 28 2018, 9:38pm
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The Grass Eaters
alice, Saturday, Jul 28 2018, 8:44am
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Buying Assange’s Arrest
Whitney Webb via ferrite, Friday, Jul 27 2018, 10:47pm
White haired Aussie Julian Assange, perhaps more than any other individual alive is detested by the American Deep State that manically pursues his arrest and extradition in order to crucify the arrogant Aussie and hold him up as a 'slain' spectacle to others that may think they are able to compromise the OVERTLY criminal USA. And so Ecuador's new president has been bought by those interests that spare no expense when it comes to Assange's arrest/crucifixion. Quite CLEARLY sudden large US purchases of Ecuadorian oil are odd in view of history, if Assange's arrest and Moreno's compliant corruption are not taken into account. The cat is out of the bag. Which should galvanise support for beleaguered, Julian Assange, though that is a pipedream considering the mass media induced stupor of western populations. (story and 1 image)
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The Reptilians
liz, Friday, Jul 27 2018, 8:26am
. (story and 2 images)
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Trump Could be Ready to Order an Illegal Strike Against Iran, Australian Government Sources Say
Andrew Probyn and Andrew Greene via lucy, Thursday, Jul 26 2018, 9:35pm
Notwithstanding the ludicrous statements made by Washington's trained Australian parrot, FM Julie Bishop, particularly Iran supporting its 'proxy fighters' in other Shia populated nations, which endeavour is the legal right to protect its people, in STARK contrast to ILLEGAL 'regime change,' as America's proxy fighters are employed to undertake, the entire notion of an unprovoked illegal attack on Iran is preposterous. Iran is EASILY able to block the transit of ALL oil tankers in the Persian Gulf thereby triggering a world wide crisis and perhaps economic collapse for numerous western nations. It also seems that Julie Bishop is 'somehow' blind (polly wants a cracker) to the fact that the USA is the world's largest supporter of criminal (extremist) proxy fighters, illegally deployed by Washington in the Middle East and North Africa, which groups are DIRECTLY responsible for the millions of refugees flooding European nations. (story and 2 images)
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spike, Thursday, Jul 26 2018, 10:25am
. (story and 1 audio file)
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American Brain Dysfunction -- A National Plague
jesse, Wednesday, Jul 25 2018, 8:22pm
I needn't labour the point as it's plain to see.
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Western States Salvage Their Paid Terrorist Assets in Syria
Finian Cunningham via jane, Wednesday, Jul 25 2018, 7:49pm
Western allied states intervened in the Syrian war earlier this week to extricate hundreds of terrorist militants thereby exposing the filthy, sordid truth of the Syrian conflict for the WORLD to see. The militants are to be fast-tracked for resettlement in Europe and Canada.
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The One
nano, Wednesday, Jul 25 2018, 7:57am
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Lost Directions
danny, Tuesday, Jul 24 2018, 9:53pm
It amuses me no end how modern man attempts to interpret ancient cave and rock ‘paintings’ with little or no appreciation of the cultural mindsets that created them. Some Australian rock paintings are tens of thousands of years old. They portray the hunt, tribal totems and the first intrusion of Europeans in the north, it should be remembered that the Dutch colonised Indonesia hundreds of years before Cook ‘discovered’ Australia, conveniently following maps and stories of Portuguese and Dutch sailors, in other words Cook discovered what was already discovered, however, British jails were overflowing and the usual dumping ground, America, was undergoing political unrest/rebellion, so newly colonised Australia became the next dumping ground for unwanted convicts, which were mercilessly put to slave labour to build a British outpost in the South Pacific from scratch. (story and 1 attached file)
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