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Google, your data suppression methods are obvious, easily recorded, abysmally inept and generally pathetic.

The simple fact that you actively engage in suppressing this and other alternative news sites means we have won and TRUTH will prevail in the end.

text The Assassination of Truth in the West Paul Craig Roberts via gayle, Tuesday, Jun 12 2018, 5:33am
Nowhere in the Western world is truth respected. Even universities are imposing censorship and speech control. Governments are shutting down, and will eventually criminalize, all explanations that differ from official ones. The Western world no longer has a print and TV media. In its place there is a propaganda ministry for the ruling elite.
international / prose / post

text There's a special place in hell for those that Defy our Moron president! staff report via kate, Sunday, Jun 10 2018, 11:55pm
After President Donald Trump drove the U.S. into an all-out trade war with Canada on Saturday with his Twitter outburst threatening to hit America's northern neighbor with even more punitive tariffs, Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro placed blame for soaring tensions entirely on Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in an interview on Sunday and warned "there's a special place in hell" for those who cross the president.
international / prose / post

Neoconservative John Bolton, Trump's latest handler image Trump Dressed Down by World Leaders at G7 leaving Kim Jong Un Smiling gerry, Sunday, Jun 10 2018, 11:23pm
When a political and social ignoramus is sent to a meeting with other world leaders that know their stuff, the outcome is assured, the ignoramus, armed only with the social/political awareness of a gnat, would have no intelligent answers to provide in defence of his regressive policies and that is exactly what occurred at the G7, which embarrassing occurrence forced Trump to return home with his tail between his legs after the Canadian prime minister delivered the brutal final blow. Though of course the privately owned partial mass media attributed the early exit to preparation for the summit with Kim Jong Un in Singapore, but as we all should know by now, clueless Trump is told what to do and say by his handlers, foremost among them, John Bolton, arch-neoconservative from the Bush era, which makes sense as it is the neoconservatives that determine foreign policy in Washington. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

trumpidiot.jpg image IGNORE Trump Dr. Steve, Saturday, Jun 9 2018, 11:12pm
Sufferers of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) crave attention and they will do ANYTHING to get it like the spoiled infants they are, and we should have all witnessed the seeding pathology of spoiled infants, which in adults manifests as psychopathology and sociopathology.

It is no secret that the world's most infamous sufferer of NPD is Donald Trump whose antics and infantile behaviour are classic textbook examples of NPD. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Appeasement is neither an Economic or Political Solution Prof. James Petras via gayle, Saturday, Jun 9 2018, 10:22pm
The world is riven with class conflicts in Latin America, political conflicts between the Anglo-Americans and Russians, and economic conflicts between Washington against Europe and Asia.
international / prose / post

PDF Document Cooperation and Mutual Aid and I’m not Directly Referring to Kropotkin jill, Saturday, Jun 9 2018, 12:50am
Though I must explain. Peter Kropotkin was a Russian naturalist and anarchist, his anarchist philosophy largely resulting from his observations of socal species in nature and how they cooperate for the common good/survival of all. (story and 2 attached files)
international / prose / post

Useless, supercilious prick PM, Malcolm Turnbull image Spying and Interference from Foreign Intelligence Agencies in Oz smiley, Friday, Jun 8 2018, 10:36pm
The 'sitting' conservative government of Australia is laying eggs at the moment over an overblown or misplaced threat from foreign nations regarding its hopeless security, national and private. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

Ignoramus Extraordinaire image The Political Rule of a Dunce -- how the WORLD Should React gary, Friday, Jun 8 2018, 3:22am
To say that Trump is politically incompetent is gross understatement, the guy is a political dunce, yet he leads one of the most powerful nations on earth and that is the dilemma for the world, how to deal with Trump’s America? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Under Trump US Contempt for International Law Intensifies Daniel Falcone via stacey, Friday, Jun 8 2018, 2:11am
In this interview, University of San Francisco Professor Stephen Zunes — a widely recognized scholar of US and Middle East policies and the author of Tinderbox: U.S. Middle East Policy and the Roots of Terrorism — offers his take on the crisis in Gaza, how the national press has covered the issue in recent weeks and how the foreign policy has taken a turn for the worst under Trump.
international / prose / post

moneyhandshake.jpg image US War Crimes in Syria Exposed Niles Niemuth via judy, Friday, Jun 8 2018, 1:18am
Isn't it about time the world stopped ignoring US war crimes, they are recorded, of huge proportions, millions of innocents dead and maimed in numerous illegal wars, and heinous to the extreme -- are you reading this, corrupt to the core, Hague Courts and UN? (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

us_israeli_flag.jpg image Israel First Regardless -- How Washington is Led by the Nose Philip Giraldi via jen, Friday, Jun 8 2018, 12:13am
Israel possesses, to be sure, the most powerful foreign policy lobby operating not only in the United States but as well in Western Europe and Australasia. When Israel makes its incessant demands, politicians from Washington to Canberra and Wellington pause to listen. In Britain, fully 80% of Conservative parliamentarians are members of the Conservative Friends of Israel. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

bigb.jpg imagevideo “We Shall have World Government… by Conquest or Consent.” -- CFR Joachim Hagopian via dan, Wednesday, Jun 6 2018, 10:19pm
The Council on Foreign Relations is a Rockefeller created institution designed primarily to harness and shape the mass media and advise US/western governments. It's membership, by invitation, includes most of the world's media moguls and other figures of enormous wealth and influence, particularly over ('chosen') installed puppet politicians. (story and 1 image and 3 videos)
international / prose / post

text In Unanimous Vote, House Says No Legal Right to Attack Iran Marjorie Cohn via dulcie, Wednesday, Jun 6 2018, 9:23pm
In a little noticed [by the media] but potentially monumental development, the House of Representatives voted unanimously for an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2019 (H.R. 5515) that says no statute authorizes the use of military force against Iran.
international / prose / post

George Orwell, Prophet image DHS Seeks to Compile a Database of ALL Journalists, Bloggers and Top "Media Influencers" cyd, Wednesday, Jun 6 2018, 11:37am
The population has become accustomed to losing most of its civil liberties and inalienable rights over the past two decades so what would it matter if it loses them ALL, as surely no-one is going to do anything constructive about restoring our lost freedoms and liberties. Amazing, I managed to write the introductory first sentence without mentioning Big Brother! (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

magicmushroomsw.jpg image Killing Delusional Social Authority with REALITY Marty Kaplan via tim, Tuesday, Jun 5 2018, 10:35pm
Indeed, perhaps they do as is evidenced by the relentless pursuit by the CIA of Dr Timothy Leary, the psychedelic prophet of the 60's who preached, "turn on, tune in and drop out," via the use of psychedelics and effected a massive social change, which social permutations and manifestations today continue to be socially suppressed. (story and 2 images)
international / prose / post

facebookprivacylaws.jpg image Facebook Allowed a Chinese Firm Deemed a 'National Security Threat' to Access Personal Data Cody Fenwick via jan, Tuesday, Jun 5 2018, 10:07pm
It is little wonder that CIA shaped and supported Facebook is manic about mining personal data. It's myopic view of what is good for the company (and the CIA) without any regard whatsoever for its users' privacy would eventually see it fail or at least LEARN. The world's leading IT company, Apple, has now released an app/feature which prevents Facebook from surreptitiously mining personal data from iPhones. Other major IT companies would soon follow suite as Apple leads the market place by simply exploiting obvious user wishes -- that simple. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text U.S. Foreign Policy: Coercion and Bribery -- that's it! Paul Craig Roberts via dan, Tuesday, Jun 5 2018, 9:03pm
Sanctions are a form of economic WARFARE, coercive pressure is applied to force independent nations to Washington's will; or direct threat, like comply or "we will bomb you back to the stone age, " which threat made international headlines at the time. There is very little sense that issues from a primitive rustic nation like America. It possesses no real culture or cultural depth which other world nations could claim, which of course leads to brilliance in politics from hard learned bitter lessons -- Washington is yet to learn the basics as it openly wields its primitive club to bash any nation over the head. And if another nation is strong enough to fight back Washington imposes soft but effective warfare, SANCTIONS, which are illegal under international law as sanctions quite plainly are COERCION or force. And no nation has the right to force another sovereign nation to comply with its views or demands.
international / prose / post

us_bloodied_flag.jpg image Global Dominance by a Rogue, Criminal State Robert Koehler via justine, Monday, Jun 4 2018, 8:24pm
America does what it wants with scant regard for Law and civilised behaviour. (story and 1 image)
international / prose / post

text Trade Wars and the World Reserve Currency Huang Lee, Saturday, Jun 2 2018, 10:12pm
The unpegged (to anything of value) paper US dollar is fast becoming the un-preferred world currency, it has absolutely no inherent value, as it is not pegged to gold or any other valuable commodity; its ‘value’ is derived purely from subscription, that is, its reserve status as the currency utilised for oil and resource trade, which resources have value due to their usefulness as distinct from the paper currency of exchange, which is now overprinted to the extreme making it even less viable.
international / prose / post

text The Way nama, Saturday, Jun 2 2018, 2:22am
international / poetry / post

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