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China TIMIDLY Offers Assistance to Syrian Army in Idlib Offensive
Suliman Mulhem via ali, Sunday, Aug 5 2018, 9:37pm
Traditionally cowardly China should finally realise that REAL world military engagements develop expertise and skills not otherwise attainable in domestic military exercises; you are supposed to be an ALLY, face the REAL and LEARN, you gutless, 'yellow' wonders! (story and 1 image)
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Fake Everything
tran, Sunday, Aug 5 2018, 10:25am
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The Doors of Perception are Opened and Closed for us
Dr. Tim O’Shea via jenny, Sunday, Aug 5 2018, 7:23am
Aldous Huxley’s inspired 1954 essay detailed the vivid, mind-expanding, multisensory insights of his mescaline adventures. By altering his brain chemistry with natural psychotropics, Huxley tapped into a rich and fluid world of shimmering, indescribable beauty and power. With his neurosensory input thus triggered, Huxley was able to enter that parallel universe glimpsed by every mystic and space captain in recorded history. Whether by hallucination or epiphany, Huxley sought to remove all bonds, all controls, all filters, all cultural conditioning from his perceptions and to confront Nature or the World or Reality first-hand – in its unpasteurized, unedited, unretouched infinite rawness. (story and 1 attached file)
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Perils of Ineptitude
Andrew Levine, Sunday, Aug 5 2018, 3:02am
When Donald Trump flubs through ignorance, incompetence, or poor judgment – that would be nearly all the time – he insists that he has not flubbed at all; that, quite to the contrary, he accomplished wonders. Whoever questions his words is spreading “fake news” and is an “enemy of the people."
Who knows if he believes these shameless self-promotions. It is possible; conmen often do fall for their own lines.
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Jared Kushner's Cynical ‘Deal of the Century’
Robert Fisk via stacey, Saturday, Aug 4 2018, 10:29pm
Hindsight is unfair – but it might tell the truth. First, Donald Trump proclaims Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, thus depriving the Palestinians of their capital in the east of the city. The Palestinians are appalled. Mahmoud Abbas says he will no longer talk to the United States. So Trump rages that “we pay the Palestinians hundreds of millions of dollars a year and get no appreciation or respect.” It was only a tweet, but he means it. Those ungrateful Palestinian wretches! And he cuts $300m from America’s aid to the refugees, giving the oppressed and besieged and dispossessed Palestinians a mere $60m. (story and 1 image)
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Recovering Economy, Ay? Blow it Out Your Arse!
tom, Saturday, Aug 4 2018, 9:59pm
It is a given that every western government blames previous governments for the appalling state of the national economy, mismanagement, soaring debt, corruption, favouring minority sectors, etc, we’ve heard it all before a million times. But there’s one sure, indicator/measure that all lying politicians cannot avoid, stagnant wage growth over decades.
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The Two-edged Sword Ready to Inflict a Mortal Wound on the USA
Federico Pieraccini via sean, Saturday, Aug 4 2018, 8:37am
The transition phase we are going through, passing from a unipolar global order to a multipolar one, calls for careful observation. It is important to analyze the actions taken by two world powers, China and Russia, in defending and consolidating their sovereignty over the long term. Observing decisions taken by these two countries in recent years, we can discern a twofold strategy. One is economic, the other purely military. In both cases we observe strong cooperation between Moscow and Beijing. The merit of this alliance is paradoxically attributed to the attitude of various US administrations, from George Bush Senior through to Obama. The special relationship between Moscow and Beijing has been forged by a shared experience of Washington’s pressure over the last 25 years. (story and 1 image)
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The Beginning -- Yugoslavia
Vladimir Golstein via jane, Saturday, Aug 4 2018, 7:32am
America's present imperial (neocon) course began with the illegal intervention in Yugoslavia, which nation remained independent while other European nations succumbed to American domination. Notwithstanding that Yugoslavia was formed after WWII by Marshal Tito the head of partisan forces fighting against fascism with allied forces, though Croatia, Bosnia and Albania fought with the Nazis, much to their eternal shame, but Tito was a nation builder and America is now a nation destroyer, as history verifies. (story and 1 image)
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California Study: Four Widely Used Neonicotinoid Pesticides Harm Bees
staff report via james, Friday, Aug 3 2018, 10:56pm
SACRAMENTO, Calif.— Four commonly used neonicotinoid pesticides can harm bees and other pollinators, according to a new analysis by California’s Department of Pesticide Regulation. The study found that current approved uses of the “neonics” on crops like tomatoes, berries, almonds, corn and oranges exposes bees to levels of the pesticides known to cause harm. (story and 2 images)
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Trump the genius president for the Elites -- Take a closer View
darcy, Friday, Aug 3 2018, 9:58pm
Blithering idiot Trump is the perfect compliant president for corporations, banks and the Deep State. Consider ‘his’ tax policy, ‘his’ immigration policy, the HUGE amount of tax-payer dollars (almost a trillion) funneled into the military (weapons manufacturers that produce lemons), his environmental policies, the latest is reversing bans on bee-killing pesticides and GMOs, etc. Without much effort it becomes CLEAR as crystal that he pointedly serves the large petro-chemical/oil/gas extraction corporations, military contractors and other Big business interests. His illegal attacks on Syria, slavish relationship with Israel and proposed attacks on Iran (all neocon policies) are clearly not Trump. And who are these interests in control if not the ruling elite milieu, shadow government or deep state?
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rayn, Friday, Aug 3 2018, 9:33am
. (story and 1 audio file)
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chrissy, Friday, Aug 3 2018, 7:35am
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'Doomsday weapon’: The US is currently unable to counter Russia’s nuclear underwater drone
RT staff report via cyd, Thursday, Aug 2 2018, 10:37pm
US and British navies could attempt to counter Russia’s nuclear-powered autonomous torpedo, Poseidon, by using undersea sensors and anti-submarine aircraft, writes Covert Shores website. But is this really a viable and effective tactic? (story and 1 image)
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Erdogan And The EU Are On A Collision Course In The Balkans
Alon Ben-Meir via james, Thursday, Aug 2 2018, 9:50pm
Banned from promoting his dangerous Islamic agenda across the European Union, Turkish President Erdogan is now seeking to use his growing influence in the Balkans against the Western countries. Erdogan's aggressive return to the Balkans increased concerns among critics in southeastern Europe -- the region where he is pursuing more assertive policies and strategically spreading his brand of Islamist nationalism through a network of mosques and religious institutions. (story and 1 image)
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sonny, Thursday, Aug 2 2018, 10:04am
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Populism Rules No One Need Think Anymore
troy, Thursday, Aug 2 2018, 1:01am
Let’s face it, thinking is a strain on the brains of the enslaved public, especially in the USA, with Pakistan currently following in at a close second -- it has recently been revealed that the all powerful Pakistani military applied pressure on Pakistan’s media to ensure that pretty, political dunce, Imran Khan was elected to power, which result for Pakistanis means more of the same misery, though this time the enormous corruption and poverty plaguing that nation would be less obvious, hidden; you’ve got to feel for the desperation of the people that as yet refuse to believe that it’s all been a sham.
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The Death of Investigative Journalism in Oz, Channel Nine’s Takeover of Fairfax
Binoy Kampmark via stacey, Wednesday, Aug 1 2018, 8:43pm
Media moguls Murdoch and Packer are responsible for the outrageously concentrated media that exists today in Australia, nevertheless, the last bastion of real investigative journalism, the Fairfax owned outlets, survived the onslaught for a time, today however Fairfax has succumbed to popularity, goodbye informative reporting and hello populist, meaningless media. Tit and sensationalism is how Murdoch built his global empire and as verified by the takeover company, money is now the number one consideration.
What this takeover (merger is a misnomer) represents is the cultural failing of a nation, which has all but lost its unique identity to toxic American values, the nation which is now a suitable home for Murdoch and his toxic, sensationalist media. (story and 2 images)
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Russia’s Ascension to Global Military Superiority
drew, Wednesday, Aug 1 2018, 6:33am
Prior to embarking on what may be a futile textual endeavour, if mis-information is the case, Russian claims and real world demonstrations appear to have tilted the scales. No longer is the USA the world’s military No.1 if media claims both US and Russian are to be believed.
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The Permanent Lie, Our Deadliest Threat
Chris Hedges via hal, Wednesday, Aug 1 2018, 12:42am
The most ominous danger we face does not come from the eradication of free speech through the obliteration of net neutrality or through Google algorithms that steer people away from dissident, left-wing, progressive or anti-war sites. It does not come from a tax bill that abandons all pretense of fiscal responsibility to enrich corporations and oligarchs and prepares the way to dismantle programs such as Social Security. It does not come from the opening of public land to the mining and fossil fuel industry, the acceleration of ecocide by demolishing environmental regulations, or the destruction of public education.
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TEENAGERS' Climate Lawsuit Against Trump Can Proceed, Supreme Court Rules
Julia Conley via gayle, Tuesday, Jul 31 2018, 9:09pm
A group of teenagers and younger children secured a victory in their case against the Trump administration this week, as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that their lawsuit demanding that the federal government take stronger action against the climate crisis can proceed.
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