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Leaders and Followers
lex, Saturday, Sep 1 2018, 9:08pm
This situation prevails today as it has throughout human history -- the need of the weak to follow the strong. This became the most popular model when REAL leaders led their groups/tribes/nations by EXAMPLE and fought wars on the front line with their followers who were proud to fight for the cause that leaders espoused. We note the historical record in this regard, ancient Greek heroes, the foremost of which was Alexander. Roman Caesars who led their conquering armies and expanded the empire until it was subverted from within by money/corruption and the destructive intrigues of WEAK men’s politics.
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Provocations Have A History Of Escalating Into War
Paul Craig Roberts via jan, Friday, Aug 31 2018, 11:06pm
The following article by Paul Craig Roberts is worth a read if only to demonstrate how naivety and personal bias are able to distort one's perception of REALITY. Mr Roberts has failed to address Putin's enormous personal WEALTH in the hundreds of $millions which is ferreted away in WESTERN banks and western offshore tax havens and he should note that Swiss banks that have no difficulty freezing $5 billion in Russian assets NEVER touch Putin's filthy corruption cash assets, which could never be earned as a Russian politician. So the case for corruption by globalist interests that rule the USA, is HUGE. (story and 2 images)
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jude, Friday, Aug 31 2018, 2:07am
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Sickening: Australia's new Conservative PM, Scott Morrison Bans Entry of Chelsea Manning
Jon Queally via stacey, Thursday, Aug 30 2018, 10:59pm
Australia's clearly UNREPRESENTATIVE conservative political party, only weeks out of one of the most appalling internal leadership spills in the country's history, has immediately demonstrated to VOTERS that the new PM neither respects nor represents Australia's love of free speech AND acquiring information by banning whistleblower Chelsea Manning from the country to give talks; an APPALLING but expected action from the new arch-conservative, treasonous Washington lap dog, Scott Morrison. Either this man is blind to the electoral consequences of his clearly UN-AUSTRALIAN action or he is aware that the party is finished in the next federal poll and has decided to acquiesce to Washington's desires to gag a person whose only 'crime' is exposing REAL U.S. war, and other crimes against humanity. Australians would soon have their say at the POLLS. (story and 1 image)
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Big Telecoms on Verge of Net Neutrality Defeat in California
Jon Queally via shaz, Thursday, Aug 30 2018, 10:09pm
Closing in on a major defeat for the powerful corporate interests trying to wrest control of how the internet functions, the California Assembly on Thursday night overwhelmingly passed SB 822, a bill that proponents have call "the strongest and most comprehensive state level net neutrality bill in the country."
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Unstoppable Political Sea Change in the Making
nano, Wednesday, Aug 29 2018, 10:17pm
It is true that all western governments serve unrepresentative minority elites, politicians lie to gain power much like Trump lied about ‘draining the Washington swamp’ and ‘jailing Hillary Clinton’ for her many un-prosecuted crimes. But where does it all go after the victorious party gains office? Indeed, up the political spout, which reality has been proven in EVERY western ‘democracy’ time and again, and the masses are acutely aware of the fact.
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jillian, Wednesday, Aug 29 2018, 9:01am
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Back in the Great Game: The Revenge of Eurasian Land Powers
Pepe Escobar via darren, Wednesday, Aug 29 2018, 4:20am
Get ready for a major geopolitical chessboard rumble: from now on, every butterfly fluttering its wings and setting off a tornado directly connects to the battle between Eurasian integration and Western sanctions as foreign policy.
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Apply the Pin-prick Test to all Mass Media Propaganda
neil, Tuesday, Aug 28 2018, 7:57pm
The NYT recently published a story, linked below, intended of course to convince the public there is substance to the 'Russiagate' fabrication/fiction -- Russiagate is repeated incessantly in the media primarily because no proof exists to implicate Russia or any other EXTERNAL party in Clinton's loss to Trump; clearly the Democrats just can't take the truth/reality, Hillary lost because the public detested her and what she stood for, pure and simple.
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Vigilantes with a Badge: Warrior Cops Endanger Our Lives and Freedoms
John W. Whitehead via sal, Tuesday, Aug 28 2018, 6:57pm
“There are always risks in challenging excessive police power, but the risks of not challenging it are more dangerous, even fatal.” -- Hunter S. Thompson (story and 1 image)
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There is NOTHING United About the United States
zlatko, Tuesday, Aug 28 2018, 9:23am
Not being an American I really have to laugh over the degree of disunity in the USA. Far from a binary division like the civil war, ‘blues and greys,’ today we have every imaginable group politically, theologically and socially apart, though each group is distinct and opposes, at the very least, the ideology/theology/ideal/race etc, of other groups, which of course leads to RUIN, be told by an external observer.
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Why US Imperialism Loves Afghan Quagmire
Finian Cunningham, Tuesday, Aug 28 2018, 3:35am
It may seem paradoxical that any American interest would seek to deliberately prolong the Afghan quagmire. Costing trillions of dollars to the national debt, one would think that US planners are anxious to wind down the war and cut their immense losses. Not so, it seems.
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Former Oz PM Kevin Rudd -- Put Murdoch on Trial for Interfering with Oz Democracy
cyd, Monday, Aug 27 2018, 7:55pm
Rudd recently commented on the turmoil which now characterises Australian politics and levelled majority blame on Rupert Murdoch, a media mogul and plutocrat able to character assassinate any politician at home and abroad if they do not comply with his wishes, which of course are self-serving and guided by his ultra-right wing political ideology -- ‘who do those political fleas think they are interfering with MY plans,’ is essentially Murdoch’s sentiment and Rudd should know as he was once supported by the Murdoch media but on condition. Remember the absurdist Murdoch plan of a “NATO of the South Pacific” which obliged Rudd was forced to run with, unsuccessfully of course. (story and 2 images)
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US-UK Preparing Another Chemical False Flag in Syria
Peter Korzun via jillian, Monday, Aug 27 2018, 9:23am
The US warned Russia it would attack Syria again if chemical weapons (CW) were used by the government forces. According to Bloomberg, National Security Adviser John Bolton told his Russian counterpart, Nikolai Patrushev, at a meeting in Geneva on Aug. 23 that the US “is prepared to respond with greater military force than it has used against Assad’s regime in the past.” US officials supposedly “have information” that the Syrian military is preparing a chemical attack in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib. Mr. Bolton had also stressed publicly the US readiness to use force on a larger scale before the meeting with his Russian counterpart. (story and 1 image)
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Captured: The Overt War on the People
jenny, Monday, Aug 27 2018, 12:21am
Ever since the elite ruling milieu took complete control of Washington during the Clinton-Bush presidencies, a silent, that is media uncovered, WAR against the people has been raging.
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jan, Sunday, Aug 26 2018, 12:57pm
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The Beautiful & Damned: Children Murdered by US Missiles, Bombs and Sanctions
Finian Cunningham via dulcie, Sunday, Aug 26 2018, 12:38am
Every time a Trump administration official pontificates about this or that, a TV split-screen should simultaneously show the heart-rending burial scenes of Yemeni children killed earlier this month by US-supplied Saudi warplanes.
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One Child Too Many -- America, the World’s Leading Killer of Children
claire, Saturday, Aug 25 2018, 10:51pm
Without doubt that is the most deplorable, despicable and horrendous leadership status any nation could achieve. It’s simple mathematics to determine: the Indo-Chinese wars based on the pretext of the Gulf of Tonkin incident/false flag (now proven) and extended illegal bombings of Laos, and Cambodia, and wherever else the USA decided to indiscriminately “carpet bomb,” thank you Mr Kissinger for your inhuman carpet bombing strategy. The total recorded civilian casualties of America’s unnecessary Indo-Chinese wars, FOUR MILLION CIVILIANS, a third of which were CHILDREN. (story and 1 image)
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A Perfect Storm over Washington; Trump Could be Forced to Resign
Michael Payne via gayle, Saturday, Aug 25 2018, 12:01am
Trump would be the last to go down voluntarily and would put up a good fight as he has done to date to astoundingly remain in office. This magician is in actual fact no magician at all when it comes down to it, as Trump is the champion of American elite rulers. So until they exhibit their displeasure, it would seem likely that Trump holds out. However, if they consider Trump more of a liability than an asset he's a gonner. But jumping prematurely to unconsidered conclusions, is unwise to say the least, it is advisable to curb one's own sentiments and biases in all events especially those involving America's RULING ELITES. Trump is merely their puppet.
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Scott Morrison is Dead PM Walking
darcy, Friday, Aug 24 2018, 10:19pm
Hardly a victory for un-elected, new PM Scott Morrison, who has been ‘sold the dump’ of a future backlash against the party by Australian voters. The conservative push to oust former PM Turnbull, led by arch-conservatives Peter Dutton, Tony Abbott and Eric Abetz was/is a completely SUICIDAL play, as that rebellion within the party has done more to kill-off any chance of mild success at the next federal poll -- it’s over for the conservatives that thought more of internal petty power plays and themselves than SERVING the nation and its struggling population, and the people are sorely aware of it. (story and 1 image)
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