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Syria's Criminal Interventionist War
Mark Taliano via jane, Monday, Sep 24 2018, 6:39pm
There is a great deal of discussion about saving civilian lives in Syria, as there should be. Missing from the discussion, however, is the most important point. If Western policymakers were genuinely concerned about saving civilians, they would not have waged this Regime Change war in the first place.
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Race to Extinction -- Climate Projections: A World on Borrowed Time
Dr. Andrew Glikson via james, Monday, Sep 24 2018, 6:01pm
Current temperature trajectories are on par with or exceed the IPCC’s dangerous projections (Figure 1). Acting as the lungs of the biosphere, over tens of millions of years the atmosphere developed an oxygen-rich carbon-low composition, allowing the flourishing of mammals. The anthropogenic release to the atmosphere to date of more than 600 Gigaton of carbon (GtC) is reversing this trend, threatening to return the Earth to conditions which preceded the emergence of modern life forms, including humans. (story and 1 image)
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The Great Aversion Plague
stacey, Monday, Sep 24 2018, 12:00am
TRUTH today is largely rejected in favour of warm fuzzy lies that speak to one’s own delusions of ‘identity,’ which is created by culture, if one cares to trace the source within mind of all personal pronouns, I, me, mine, etc. This dichotomous relationship, identity-culture, is therefore easily exploited by those aware of the great aversion to uncomfortable REAL truths; entire populations subscribe to fictions and the false realities they engender, notwithstanding that the lead and reins of control emanate from the mass and digital media.
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dulcie, Sunday, Sep 23 2018, 3:13am
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Hegel: The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history
Martin Sieff via claire, Saturday, Sep 22 2018, 7:36am
American leaders, politicians, policymakers and pundits are fond of talking about the “Unipolar Moment” and “Hyper Power” position that they imagine the United States enjoys in the world. Totally lacking from this fantasy are any inconvenient historical facts.
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The Decade of a Rising China: 10 Years After the Financial Crisis
Jenny Clegg via james, Saturday, Sep 22 2018, 6:57am
It is 10 years in September since Lehman Brothers went bankrupt bringing global capitalism to the point of collapse. Although the crash did not finally lead to a total meltdown, it triggered a slump of 1930s proportions and for most economies the last decade has been a lost decade of low growth, low investment, low productivity, marked by debt and deficit, with virtually no improvement in real incomes for the 90 per cent. (story and 1 image)
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Astounding Revelation from NYT Regarding the Gross Incompetence of US Intel Agencies
lex, Saturday, Sep 22 2018, 12:25am
Indeed, the New York Times -- a megaphone of the deep state -- has done it again, that is, unintentionally reveal how the world’s largest funded regulatory and intelligence agencies have failed to perform even up to basic expectations, yet they continue to be lavishly supported for their failures by enormous tax-payer funds for no good reason. A complete clean-out of these dysfunctional agencies is now clearly warranted.
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Yet Another Staggering US Hypocrisy -- Pompeo Dismisses Holocaust in Yemen Favouring Arms Sales
Adam K. Raymond via shirl, Thursday, Sep 20 2018, 9:45pm
The International Criminal Court has nowhere to hide today. Mike Pompeo recently overruled his own administration regarding 'humanitarian' concerns in Syria if the legitimate Syrian government proceeded with its duty to rid the nation of extremist terrorist groups in Idlib, which are supported by Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, Jordan and the CIA; however, Pompeo clearly supports the ongoing HUMANITARIAN CRISIS in Yemen. We have just heard from US administrative official, James Jeffrey, who stated that the USA would attack the Syrian government and its Russian ally if it, "creates refugee flows or attacks innocent civilians." Which means that it's OK if the USA does it but no-one else. The Yemen holocaust being the current case in point. (story and 1 image)
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Idlib: Lull Before the Hurricane [IF Putin Finds his Missing Spine]
Tim Hayward via jane, Thursday, Sep 20 2018, 7:59pm
It appears that Putin has pressed the pause button on plans for an offensive alongside the Syrian government to retake Idlib. By the time Russia returns to play mode the martial music may have changed. (story and 1 image)
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Washington Pushes Putin's Cowardice Yet Again -- The US has NO LEGAL RIGHT to Interfere in Syria
Paul Craig Roberts via gus, Thursday, Sep 20 2018, 6:50pm
The provocations that Putin invites are now escalating. Peter Ford, former British ambassador to Syria, points out that Washington has quickly taken advantage of Putin’s hesitancy in Syria to escalate the pretexts on which Washington will launch a military attack on the Syrian forces. Formerly Washington’s pretext was to be a false flag “chemical attack” that would be blamed on Syria. Washington’s new pretext precludes the liberation of Idlib as Washington has declared that any attempted liberation of the province from Washington’s terrorist allies will result in a US military attack on Syria. Indeed, even a refugee flow whether or not caused by a Syrian attack is deemed to be a “humanitarian issue” that justifies a US military attack on Syria. President Trump’s Special Envoy for Syria, James Jeffrey, just announced that the United States will not tolerate an attack, period. (story and 1 image)
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WWIII -- Here it Comes!
drake, Thursday, Sep 20 2018, 2:04am
To be sure, a nuclear WWIII would not be provoked by any sane nuclear nation intentionally, however, a very REAL possibility of an uncontrolled escalation now presents itself in Syria, with western forces, including NATO nations, UK, France, Israel and the US moving numerous nuclear armed naval vessels and submarines into the Eastern Mediterranean to confront Assad and Putin, notwithstanding planned air assaults launched from nearby allied airfields.
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Commentary on the Saker’s Latest Piece
gayle, Wednesday, Sep 19 2018, 11:16pm
The Saker, a pro-Putin Russian, has made every attempt to trivialise the outrageous tactics, an illegal bombing of Syria by Israel, which resulted in the loss of a Russian military aircraft and 14 Russian lives.
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US-Indian Relations: Trump Gets a Unique Partner for America First
M. Bhadrakumar via janice, Wednesday, Sep 19 2018, 1:38am
The inaugural meeting of the foreign and defence ministers of India and the United States in a new “2+2” format on September 6 in New Delhi assumed added significance as an attempt by the Trump administration to translate its Indo-Pacific vision outlined in the National Security Strategy (NSS) of last December.
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America's Reckless Hostility Unites China and Russia to Form an Unbeatable Alliance
Eric Margolis via cyd, Monday, Sep 17 2018, 7:04pm
Good work Mr. Trump! You have now managed to lay the groundwork for a grand Chinese-Russian alliance. The objective of intelligent diplomacy is to divide one’s foes, not to unite them. (story and 1 image)
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Super Computers in Warfare -- A Million Mistakes a Second
Paul Scharre via lynx, Monday, Sep 17 2018, 8:13am
Ultrafast computing is critical to modern warfare. But it also ensures a lot could go very wrong, very quickly.
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Azov Sea Flashpoint: Russia, Ukraine Teetering on the Brink of War
Peter Korzun via james, Monday, Sep 17 2018, 1:01am
Prior to reading this article readers should consider the broader picture/strategy of the US to contain both Russia and China using proxy forces and vassal states to do their dirty work. Readers would note that China recently offered military support to Syria should Assad require it to oust the remnants of imported terrorists in Idlib, which include Uighur forces. The USA has been fomenting trouble in China's Muslim Uighur region in order to block a vital transit route of China's BRI, the so-called new Silk Road Initiative, which when completed would clearly make China the number one world economic and trading State. Read the following not as a single unrelated flashpoint but as part of an overall strategy by the USA to contain major competitors. Indeed, the unipolar American world is coming to an end and America may deploy every dirty trick in the book, but it's a LOST cause as progress and a wide range of benefits for numerous European and Asian nations cannot be thwarted or stopped. (story and 1 image)
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Australia and the Woes of Climate Change States
Binoy Kampmark via jane, Sunday, Sep 16 2018, 11:02pm
Australia’s tattered, incumbent government with new PM, the increasingly oafish and amateurish Scott Morrison, trundled into its post-climate phase. States which see their existence as dependent on the cutting of carbon emissions have been more than a touch concerned. Reality for the States remains divorced from the paper clip conspiracies of Canberra and the energy cliques distraction policy of cutting prices rather than dealing with climate change impact.
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Keeping up Appearances -- the Myth of Democracy
gaz, Saturday, Sep 15 2018, 9:09pm
Anyone living in the western world that falls for the huge LIE that they live in a democracy is either mentally retarded -- Trump voters -- or living in a media induced dreamworld, or both. It is plain as day that ALL western governments LIE to the people and PRETEND representation to gain government then immediately backflip on all their promises to the people and serve unrepresentative, mega-wealthy minority banker and corporate elites. (story and 1 image)
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Syria's Absolute Legal Right to End War
SCF Editorial via jane, Friday, Sep 14 2018, 7:10pm
In a time of hypocrisy, duplicity and hysterics, let’s stay FOCUSED ON the CORRECT COURSE. Which is for the Syrian government and its Russian ally to end the war which has devastated the country, by defeating the last vestiges of terrorist gangs holding out in Idlib province. (story and 1 image)
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Psychopath John Bolton Hangs US Dirty Laundry for WORLD to SEE
Marjorie Cohn via darcy, Friday, Sep 14 2018, 6:02pm
To the SANE world clearly insane neocon John Bolton's latest threats are astonishing to say the least. Bolton has threatened the International Criminal Court if it pursues war crimes charges against Americans and Israelis. NOW let that sink in.
We have an American psychopath in the inner circle of the Trump administration actually threatening officials of an international judicial body for performing their commissioned, by hundreds of nations, legal tasks to bring war criminals to justice and Bolton threatens these officials. Outrageous is a mild term for Bolton's behaviour. The man, during the Bush presidency actually threatened the lives of a Brazilian diplomat's children that refused to comply with American dictates, his infamous words were, "we know where your children live!" That threat, in itself, made at the UN is grossly illegal, which proves without doubt the level of corruption at the UN as Bolton was not charged by any body at the time. (story and 1 image)
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